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Clint Banzhaf edited this page Apr 11, 2015 · 3 revisions


This project is a minimal ChatClient application for Android phones using Xamarin's MonoDroid. It was only created to test portability of the core-library and is not actively maintained.

It's basically just 2 classes:

  • ChatClient.cs - implements the abstract BaseClient class from the core-library
  • MainActivity.cs - the UI


  • Read and send chat
  • Show online players
  • Show basic info (ROOM, HP, MP, VIGOR)
  • Allow to rest/stand


Android 2.2 or later is required and it's supposed to run on all cpu architectures (armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86).


This VS project comes with a dedicated and old VS2012 (2010 SP1) Meridian59.Android.ChatClient.sln solution-file. It's referencing a precompiled and included Any-CPU build of the core-library. You need to have Xamarin's Visual Studio extensions installed to open and compile this project.


There is a folder named SDCARD contained in this project. Its content (the folder meridian59) is supposed to end up on your phone's SDCARD.


If the server you connect to updates, then adjust the versions in your version.xml on your phone's SDCARD. Also make sure you update the rsc0000.rsb on your SDCARD if there is a new one released with an update.


Video 1