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An access policy rule defines a set of connection filters and access control rights relating to a desktop group.


XD7AccessPolicy [string]
    DeliveryGroup = [string]
    AccessType = [string] { AccessGateway | Direct }
    [ Enabled = [bool] ]
    [ AllowRestart = [bool] ]
    [ Name = [string] ]
    [ Description = [string] ]
    [ Protocol = [string[] ] { HDX | RDP }
    [ IncludeUsers = [string[]] ]
    [ ExcludeUsers = [string[]] ]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent }]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • DeliveryGroup: The Citrix XenDesktop 7.x delivery group name to assign the access policy.
  • AccessType: The access policy filter type.
  • Enabled: Whether the access policy is enabled. If not specified, it defaults to True.
  • AllowRestart: Whether users are permitted to restart desktop group machines. If not specified, it defaults to True.
  • Name: Name of the access policy. If not specified, it defaults to DesktopGroup_Direct or DesktopGroup_AG.
  • Description: Custom description assigned to the access policy rule.
  • Protocol: Permitted protocols. If not specified, it defaults to both HDX and RDP.
  • IncludeUsers: List of associated Active Directory user and groups assigned to the access policy.
  • ExcludeUsers: List of associated Active Directory user and groups excluded from the access policy.
  • Ensure: Whether the role is to be installed or not. Supported values are Present or Absent. If not specified, it defaults to Present.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to access the source media and/or install/uninstall the specified role. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7AccessPolicyExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7AccessPolicy XD7AccessPolicyExample {
        DeliveryGroup = 'My Desktop Group'
        AccessType = 'AccessGateway'
        Enabled = $true
        AllowRestart = $true
        Protocol = 'HDX'
        IncludeUsers = @('DOMAIN\GroupA','DOMAIN\GroupB')
        Ensure = 'Present'


Registers an administrator in Citrix XenDesktop site. Administrators needs to be registered before they can be assigned to a role.


XD7Administrator [string]
    Name = [string]
    Enabled = [bool]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent } ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • Name: Active Direcrtory user/group name to register in the site database.
  • Enabled: Defines whether the user/group is enabled. If not specified, it defaults to True.
  • Ensure: Whether the administrator is present or not. Supported values are Present or Absent. If not specified, it defaults to Present.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to access the Citrix XenDesktop 7 site. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7AdministratorExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7Administrator XD7AdministratorExample {
        Name = 'Domain Admins'
        Enabled = $true
        Ensure = 'Present'


Creates a Citrix XenDesktop machine catalog.


XD7Catalog [string]
    Name = [string]
    Allocation = [string] { Permanent | Random | Static }
    Provisioning = [string] { Manual | PVS | MCS }
    Persistence = [string] { Discard | Local | PVD }
    [ Description = [string] ]
    [ IsMultiSession = [bool] ]
    [ PvsAddress = [string] ]
    [ PvsDomain = [string] ]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent } ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • Name: Name of the Citrix XenDesktop 7 machine catalog to create.
  • Description: Description of the Citrix XenDesktop 7 machine catalog.
  • Allocation: Machine catalog allocation type. Supported values are Permanent, Randam or Static.
  • Provisioning: Machine catalog provisioning type. Supported values are Manual, PVS or MCS.
  • Persistence: User settings persistence type. Supported values are Discard, Local or PVD.
  • IsMultiSession: Flags the machine catalog supports multiple concurrent sessions on each machine.
  • PvsAddress: Address of the PVS server. This option is only required if the provisioning type is set to PVS.
  • PvsDomain: Domain of the PVS server. This option is only required if the provisioning type is set to PVS.
  • Ensure: Whether the catalog is to be available or not. Supported values are Present or Absent. If not specified, it defaults to Present.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to create the catalog. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7CatalogExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7Catalog XD7CatalogExample {
        Name = 'My Machine Catalog'
        Description = 'Random manual Citrix XenApp 7.6 machine catalog'
        Allocation = 'Random'
        Provisioning = 'Manual'
        Persistence = 'Local'
        IsMultisession = $true


Adds/assigns an Active Directory machine to a Citrix XenDesktop 7 machine catalog.


XD7CatalogMachine [string]
    Name = [string]
    Members = [string[]] ]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent } ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • Name: Name of the Citrix XenDesktop 7 machine catalog to add the members to.
  • Members: One or more Active Directory computers accounts to add to the machine catalog.
  • Ensure: Whether the computer accounts should be present or not. Supported values are Present or Absent. If not specified, it defaults to Present.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to machines to the catalog. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7CatalogMachineExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7CatalogMachine XD7CatalogMachineExample {
        Name = 'My Machine Catalog'
        Members = 'Domain\ComputerA','ComputerB'
        Ensure = 'Present'


Adds or removes a Citrix XenDesktop 7 controller to or from a Citrix XenDesktop site.


XD7Controller [string]
    SiteName = [string]
    ExistingControllerName = [string]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent } ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • SiteName: Citrix XenDesktop 7 site name to join.
  • ExistingControllerName: Existing Citrix XenDesktop 7 site controller used to join the site.
  • Ensure: Whether the site controller should be present or not. Supported values are Present or Absent. If not specified, it defaults to Present.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to add or remove the controller from the site. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7Controller {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7Controller MyXD7Controller {
        SiteName = 'My Site'
        ExistingControllerName = 'controller-a.lab.local'
        Ensure = 'Present'


Creates a Citrix XenDesktop 7 site, logging or monitor database. This resource does not support removing or relocation of site databases.


XD7Database [string]
    SiteName = [string]
    DatabaseName = [string]
    DatabaseServer = [string]
    DataStore = [string] { Site | Logging | Monitor }
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • SiteName: Citrix XenDesktop 7 site name assigned to the database.
  • DatabaseName: Name of the Microsoft SQL database to create.
  • DatabaseServer: FQDN of the Microsoft SQL server to host the database.
  • DataStore: Citrix XenDesktop site database type to create.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to create the database. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7Database {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7Database MyXD7LoggingDatabase {
        SiteName = 'My Site'
        DatabaseName = 'MySiteLoggingDatabase'
        DatabaseServer = 'mysqlserver.lab.local'
        DataStore = 'Logging'


Creates a Citrix XenDesktop 7 desktop group.


XD7DesktopGroup [string]
    Name = [string]
    IsMultiSession = [bool]
    DeliveryType = [string] { AppsOnly | DesktopsOnly | DesktopsAndApps }
    DesktopType = [string] { Shared | Private }
    [ Description = [string]
    [ DisplayName = [string] ]
    [ Enabled = [bool] ]
    [ ColorDepth = [string] { FourBit | EightBit | SixteenBit | TwentyFourBit } ]
    [ IsMaintenanceMode = [bool] ]
    [ IsRemotePC = [bool] ]
    [ IsSecureIca = [bool] ]
    [ ShutdownDesktopsAfterUse = [bool] ]
    [ TurnOnAddedMachine = [bool] ]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent } ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • Name: Name of the Citrix XenDesktop 7 desktop group.
  • IsMultiSession: Flags whether the desktop group supports multisession hosts.
  • DeliveryType: Delivery type of the desktop group. Supported values are AppsOnlys, DesktopsOnly or DesktopsAndApps.
  • DesktopType: Desktop allocation type. Supported values are Shared and Private.
  • Description: Description of the desktop group.
  • DisplayName: Display name of the desktop group.
  • Enabled: Whether the desktop group is enabled. If not specified, this value defaults to True.
  • ColorDepth: Color depth of the desktop group. Supported values are FourBit, EightBit, SixteenBit and TwentyFourBit. If not specified, a default value of TwentyFour bit is used.
  • IsMaintenanceMode: Flags whether the desktop group is in maintenance mode. If not specified, this value defaults to False.
  • IsRemotePC: Flags whether the desktop group is a RemotePC desktop group. If not specified, this value defaults to False.
  • IsSecureIca: Flags whether Secure ICA is enabled/enforced. If not specified, this value defaults to True.
  • ShutdownDesktopsAfterUse: Flags whether virtual desktops are powered off after use. If not specified, this value defaults to False.
  • TurnOnAddedMachine: Flags whether machines added to the desktop group are automatically powered on. If not specified, this value defaults to False.
  • Ensure: Specifies whether the desktop group is present or not. If not specified, this value defaults to Present.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to create the desktop group. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7DesktopGroupExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7DesktopGroup MyXD7DesktopGroup {
        SiteName = 'My Desktop Group'
        IsMultiSession = $true
        DeliveryType = 'DesktopsAndApps'
        DesktopType = 'Shared'


Adds or removes Active Directory computer accounts to or from a Citrix XenDesktop 7 desktop group.


XD7DesktopGroupMember [string]
    Name = [string]
    Members = [string[]] ]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent } ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • Name: Name of the desktop group to allocate members to.
  • Members: Active Directory computer account names to assign to the desktop group.
  • Ensure: Specifies whether the specified Active Directory computer accounts are present in the desktop group or not. If not specified, this value defaults to Present.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to modify the desktop group. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7DesktopGroupMemberExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7DesktopGroupMember MyXD7DesktopGroupMembers {
        Name = 'My Desktop Group'
        Members = 'computer1.lab.local','computer2.lab.local'
        Ensure = 'Present'


Adds or removes published applications to or from a Citrix XenDesktop 7 desktop/delivery group.


XD7DesktopGroupApplication [string]
    Name = [string]
    DesktopGroupName = [string]
    Path = [string]
    [ ApplicationType = [string] { HostedOnDesktop, InstalledOnClient } ]
    [ WorkingDirectory = [string] ]
    [ Arguments = [string] ]
    [ Description = [string] ]
    [ DisplayName = [string] ]
    [ Enabled = [bool] ]
    [ Visible = [bool] ]
    [ Ensure = [string] ] { Present | Absent } ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • Name: Name of the desktop application to publish.
  • DesktopGroupName: Name of the desktop/delivery group to publish the application.
  • Path: Path to the application executable.
  • ApplicationType: Specifies the type of application.
    • If not specified, this value defaults to HostedOnDesktop (published).
    • NOTE: It is not possible to change the application type after it's created.
  • WorkingDirectory: Working directory of the application.
  • Arguments: Command line arguments of the application.
  • Description: Application description.
  • DisplayName: Name of the application displayed to the user.
  • Enabled: Specifies whether the application is enabled.
    • If not specifed, this value defaults to $true.
  • Visible: Specifies whether the application is visible to the user.
    • If not specifed, this value defaults to $true.
  • Ensure: Specifies whether the specified application is published in the desktop delivery group or not.
    • If not specified, this value defaults to Present.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to modify the desktop group. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7DesktopGroupApplicationExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7DesktopGroupApplication XD7DesktopGroupApplicationExample {
        Name = 'Adobe Reader DC'
        DesktopGroupName = 'My Desktop Group'
        Path = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat Reader DC\Reader\AcroRd32.exe'
        WorkingDirectory = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat Reader DC\Reader'
        Ensure = 'Present'


Grants Active Directory users/groups access to a Citrix XenDesktop 7 desktop group.


XD7EntitlementPolicy [string]
    DeliveryGroup = [string]
    EntitlementType = [string] EntitlementType { Desktop | Application }
    [ Enabled = [bool] ]
    [ Name = [string] ]
    [ Description = [string] ]
    [ IncludeUsers = [string[]] ]
    [ ExcludeUsers = [string[]] ]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent } ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • DeliveryGroup: The name of the delivery group to include and/or exclude users to.
  • EntitlementType: Whether the entitlement is applies to a desktop or an application.
  • Enabled: Flags whether the entitlement is enabled. If not specified, this value defaults to True.
  • Name: Name of entitlement. If not specified, it defaults to DeliveryGroup_EntitlementType.
  • Description: Optional description of the entitlement.
  • IncludeUser: Users(s) explicitly included in the entitlement.
  • ExcludeUser: User(s) explicitly excluded from the entitlement.
  • Ensure: Whether the entitlement policy is present or not. If not specified, this value defaults to True.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to create the entitlement. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7EntitlementPolicyExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7EntitlementPolicy XD7DesktopEntitlementPolicy {
        Name = 'My Desktop Group'
        EntitlementType = 'Desktop'
        IncludeUsers = 'MyDesktopGroupUsers','UserA'


Installs Citrix XenDesktop 7 server role/feature.


XD7Feature [string]
    Role = [string] { Controller | Licensing | Storefront | Studio | Director }
    SourcePath = [string]
    [Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent } ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • Role: The Citrix XenDesktop 7.x role/feature to install.
  • SourcePath: Location of the extracted Citrix XenDesktop 7.x setup media.
  • Ensure: Whether the role is to be installed or not. Supported values are Present or Absent. If not specified, it defaults to Present.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to access the source media and/or install/uninstall the specified role.


Configuration XD7FeatureExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7Feature XD7ControllerFeature {
        Role = 'Controller'
        SourcePath = 'C:\Sources\XenDesktop76'
        Ensure = 'Present'


Installs multiple Citrix XenDesktop 7 server roles/features in a single pass, reducing the number of reboots.


XD7Features [string]
    IsSingleInstance = [string] { Yes }
    Role = [string[] { Controller | Licensing | Storefront | Studio | Director }
    SourcePath = [string]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent } ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • Role: The Citrix XenDesktop 7.x roles/features to install.
  • SourcePath: Location of the extracted Citrix XenDesktop 7.x setup media.
  • Ensure: Whether the role is to be installed or not. Supported values are Present or Absent. If not specified, it defaults to Present.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to access the source media and/or install/uninstall the specified role.


Configuration XD7FeaturesExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7Features XD7MultiFeatures {
        IsSingleInstance = 'Yes'
        Role = 'Controller','Studio'
        SourcePath = 'C:\Sources\XenDesktop76'
        Ensure = 'Present'


Assigns a Citrix XenDesktop 7 delegated security role to an administrator. This resource does not currently support creating new Citrix XenDesktop 7 roles.


XD7Role [string]
    Name = [string]
    Members = string[]
    RoleScope = [string]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent } ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • Name: Name of an existing Citrix XenDesktop 7 role to assign or unassign an administrator to/from.
  • Members: Name(s) of the Citrix XenDesktop 7 administrator(s) to assign or unassign.
  • RoleScope: Name of an existing Citrix XenDesktop 7 scope to apply to the assignment. If not specified, the value defaults to All.
  • Ensure: Whether the role member(s) should be assigned to the role or note. If not specified, this value defaults to Present.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to update the role membership. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7RoleExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7Role XD7RoleAssignment {
        Name = 'Full Administrator'
        Members = 'Citrix Admins'
        EntitlementType = 'Desktop'
        IncludeUsers = 'MyDesktopGroupUsers','UserA'


Creates a new Citrix XenDesktop 7 site.


XD7Site [string]
    SiteName = [string]
    DatabaseServer = [string]
    SiteDatabaseName = [string]
    LoggingDatabaseName = [string]
    MonitorDatabaseName = [string]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • SiteName: Name of the new Citrix XenDesktop 7 site.
  • DatabaseServer: Name of the MS SQL server hosting the Citrix XenDesktop 7 site databases.
  • SiteDatabaseName: Name of the existing Citrix XenDesktop 7 site database.
  • LoggingDatabaseName: Name of the existing Citrix XenDesktop 7 logging database.
  • MonitorDatabaseName: Name of the existing Citrix XenDesktop 7 monitor database.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to create the site and access the MS SQL databases. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7SiteExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7Site XD7SiteCreation {
        SiteName = 'My Site'
        DatabaseServer = 'mysqlserver.lab.local'
        SiteDatabaseName = 'MySiteDatabase'
        LoggingDatabaseName = 'MyLoggingDatabase'
        MonitorDatabaseName = 'MyMonitorDatabase'


Configures a Citrix XenDesktop 7 global site settings.


XD7SiteConfig [string]
    IsSingleInstance = [string] { Yes }
    [ TrustRequestsSentToTheXmlServicePort = [bool] ]
    [ SecureIcaRequired = [bool] ]
    [ DnsResolutionEnabled = [bool] ]
    [ ConnectionLeasingEnabled = [bool] ]
    [ BaseOU = [string] ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • TrustRequestsSentToTheXmlServicePort: The XML Service trust settings.
  • SecureIcaRequired: The default SecureICA usage requirements for new desktop groups.
  • DnsResolutionEnabled: The setting to configure whether numeric IP address or the DNS name to be present in the ICA file.
  • ConnectionLeasingEnabled: The objectGUID property identifying the base OU in Active Directory used for desktop registrations.
  • BaseOU: The indicator for connection leasing active.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to create the site and access the MS SQL databases. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7SiteConfigExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7SiteConfig XD7GlobalSiteSetting {
        IsSingleInstance = 'Yes'
        TrustRequestsSentToTheXmlServicePort = $true
        ConnectionLeasingEnabled = $true


Configures a Citrix XenDesktop 7 licensing scheme.


XD7SiteLicense [string]
    LicenseServer = [string] ]
    [ LicenseServerPort = [uint16] ]
    [ LicenseEdition [string] { PLT | ENT | VDI } ]
    [ LicenseModel = [string] { UserDevice | Concurrent } ]
    [ TrustLicenseServerCertificate = [bool] ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • LicenseServer: Name of the exisiting Citrix license server.
  • LicenseServerPort: Port number of the existing Citrix license server. If not specified, the value defaults to 27000.
  • LicenseEdition: Citrix XenDesktop 7 site licensed edition to apply. Valid values are PLT, ENT or VDI. If not specified, a default value of PLT is used.
  • LicenseModel: Citrix XenDesktop 7 site license model to apply. Valid values are UserDevice or Concurrent. If not specified, a default value of UserDevice is used.
  • TrustLicenseServerCertificate: Flags whether the Citrix license server certificate should be trusted. If not specified, this value defaults to True.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to update the site licensing. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7SiteLicenseExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7SiteLicense XD7SiteLicensing {
        LicenseServer = 'citrixls.lab.local'


Configures the available authentication providers of a Citrix StoreFront 2.x or 3.x server.


XD7StoreFrontAuthenticationMethod [string]
    VirtualPath = [string]
    AuthenticationMethod = [string[] ] { Certificate | CitrixAGBasic | CitrixFederation | ExplicitForms | HttpBasic | IntegratedWindows }
    [ SiteId = [uint16] ]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Absent | Present } ]


  • VirtualPath: The Citrix Storefront IIS authentication service virtual path.
  • AuthenticationMethod: Authentication methods to be installed. Existing authentication methods will not be removed.
  • SiteId: The Citrix Storefront IIS authentication service site id.
    • If not specified, the value defaults to 1.
  • Ensure: Whether the Storefront authentication service method should be added or removed.


Configuration XD7StoreFrontAuthenticationMethodExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7StoreFrontAuthenticationMethod XD7StoreFrontAuthenticationMethods {
        VirtualPath = '/Citrix/Authentication'
        SiteId = 1
        AuthenticationMethod = 'WindowsIntegrated'
        Ensure = 'Present'


Configures the base URL of a Citrix StoreFront 2.x or 3.x server.


XD7StoreFrontBaseUrl [string]
    BaseUrl = [string]



Configuration XD7StoreFrontBaseUrlExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7StoreFrontBaseUrl 'storefront_lab_local' {
        BaseUrl = 'https://storefront.lab.local/'


Configures the available authentication providers of a Citrix StoreFront 2.x or 3.x server.


XD7StoreFrontReceiverAuthenticationMethod [string]
    VirtualPath = [string]
    AuthenticationMethod = [string[]] { Certificate | CitrixAGBasic | CitrixFederation | ExplicitForms | HttpBasic | IntegratedWindows }
    [ SiteId = [uint16] ]


  • VirtualPath: The Citrix Storefront IIS authentication service virtual path.
  • AuthenticationMethod: Authentication methods to be installed.
    • Note: Existing authentication methods will be removed.
  • SiteId: The Citrix Storefront IIS authentication service site id.
    • If not specified, the value defaults to 1.


Configuration XD7StoreFrontReceiverAuthenticationMethodExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7StoreFrontReceiverAuthenticationMethod XD7StoreFrontReceiverAuthenticationMethods {
        VirtualPath = '/Citrix/StoreWeb'
        SiteId = 1
        AuthenticationMethod = 'ExplicitForms','WindowsIntegrated'


Configures the Citrix Storefront Unified Experience of a Citrix Storefront 3.x server.


XD7StoreFrontUnifiedExperience [string]
    VirtualPath = [string]
    WebReceiverVirtualPath = [string]
    [ SiteId = [uint16] ]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Absent | Present } ]


  • VirtualPath: The Citrix Storefront IIS Store service virtual path.
  • WebReceiverVirtualPath: The Citrix Storefront IIS Receiver for Web service virtual path.
    • Note: Existing authentication methods will be removed.
  • SiteId: The Citrix Storefront IIS authentication service site id.
    • If not specified, the value defaults to 1.
  • Ensure: Whether the Storefront unified experience should be enabled or disabled.


Configuration XD7StoreFrontUnifiedExperienceExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7StoreFrontUnifiedExperience EnableStoreFrontUnifiedExperience {
        VirtualPath = '/Citrix/Store'
        WebReceiverVirtualPath = '/Citrix/StoreWeb'
        SiteId = 1
        Ensure = 'Present'


Assigns a Citrix XenDesktop Controller to a Citrix Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA).


XD7VDAController [string]
    Name = [string]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent } ]


  • Name: Name of the Citrix XenDesktop 7 Delivery Controller to assign to the VDA.
  • Ensure: Specifies whether the Citrix XenDesktop 7 controller entry should be present or not. If not specified, the value defaults to Present.


Configuration XD7VDAControllerExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7VDAController XD7VDAController1 {
        Name = 'controller1.lab.local'
    XD7VDAController XD7VDAController2 {
        Name = 'controller2.lab.local'


Installs Citrix XenDesktop 7 Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA) feature.


XD7VDAFeature [string]
    Role = [string] { DesktopVDA | SessionVDA }
    SourcePath = [string]
    [ InstallReceiver = [bool] ]
    [ EnableRemoteAssistance = [bool] ]
    [ Optimize = [bool] ]
    [ InstallDesktopExperience = [bool] ]
    [ EnableRealTimeTransport = [bool] ]
    [ Ensure = [string] { Present | Absent } ]


  • Role: The Citrix XenDesktop 7 VDA feature to install.
  • SourcePath: Location of the extracted Citrix XenDesktop 7 setup media.
  • InstallReceiver: Flags whether to install the Citrix Receiver. If not specified, the value defaults to False.
  • EnableRemoteAssistance: Flags whether to enable Remote Assistance during installation. If not specified, the value defaults to True.
  • Optimize: Flags whether to optimize a VDA. This is only applicable to virtual machines. If not specified, the value defaults to False.
  • InstallDesktopExperience: Flags whether to install the Windows Desktop Experience feature. This is only applicable to server operating systems. If not specified, the value defaults to True.
  • EnableRealTimeTransport: Flags whether to enable UDP Real-time transport feature during install. If not specified, this value defaults to False.
  • Ensure: Whether the role is to be installed or not. Supported values are Present or Absent. If not specified, it defaults to Present.


Configuration XD7VDAFeatureExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7VDAFeature XD7DeskopVDAFeature {
        Role = 'DesktopVDA'
        SourcePath = 'C:\Sources\XenDesktop76'
        InstallReceiver = $true
        Optimize = $true


Waits for a Citrix XenDesktop 7 site to become available.


XD7WaitForSite [string]
    SiteName = [string]
    ExistingControllerName = [string]
    [ RetryIntervalSec = [uint64] ]
    [ RetryCount = [uint32] ]
    [ Credential = [PSCredential] ]


  • SiteName: Citrix XenDesktop 7 site to wait for.
  • ExistingControllerName: Name of an existing Citrix XenDesktop 7 site controller to check for site availavility.
  • RetryIntervalSec: Number of seconds between retries. If not specified, the value defaults to 30 seconds.
  • RetryCount: Number of attempts to try before giving up. If not specified, the value default to 10.
  • Credential: Specifies optional credential of a user which has permissions to communicate with the existing site controller. This property is required for Powershell 4.0.


Configuration XD7WaitForSiteExample {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName XenDesktop7
    XD7WaitForSite XD7WaitForMySite {
        SiteName = 'My Site'
        ExistingControllerName = 'controller1.lab.local'


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