calculates the troop loss for True Random, probability of losing at least this much troops
should be able to run on normal office desktop settings
it might be a bit slow but pls just click 'submit' once, dont worry if it says not responding, especially at higher numbers like 600 v 222, its just running pretty slow (depending on your CPU)
also, i want an outlet to complain why i lose 8 on a 5, apparently its a 10% chance, fk u TR!Ah1D4WHSiXWBle4-KxzNrgJdhqTOJA?e=ZZhR3W
download the .exe file in dist/risk_calc.exe,
pyinstaller --onefile --windowed
if there is someone who would like to push modifications for Balanced Blitz or just to accomodate zombies or better UI, pls go for it