Have you ever heard about Sonos Sound System? This project aims to build a wifi sound box adapter which play out the streamming music using PCM2704 and TPLink WiFi Router such as TL-MR3020 or TL-MR3040 with USB support.
- TPLink Router TL-MR3020 (http://www.tp-link.com/iq/products/details/cat-14_TL-MR3020.html)
- USB to Audio Converter (http://www.ebay.com/itm/PCM2704-USB-DAC-to-S-PDIF-Sound-Card-Decoder-Board-/191168663297)
- Openwrt SysUpgrade Firmware for TL-MR3020 which is built to support USB 1.1, Sound Module and MadPlay only (4MB Flash Memory Size). You can find the INSTRUCTION of HOWTO flashing OpenWRT by this link https://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/generic.flashing
- Configure uhttpd web server with lua support to be able to expose REST API out of the box to the mobile application.
After flashing TL-MR3040 by OpenWRT firmware, SSH into the system and modify the uhttpd configuration as follows:
- Open file with VIM editor
root@OpenWrt:~# vi /etc/config/uhttpd
- Update the configuration with the following lines
option lua_prefix /api
option lua_handler /www/api/main.lua
- Copy the files from uhttpd/ into /www/api/ of the TL-MR3020 system.
$ scp uhttpd/* root@OpenWRT:/www/api/
- Restart the uhttpd server
root@OpenWrt:~# /etc/init.d/uhttpd restart to apply the configuration
You can find the MP3 streamming server source from http://dir.xiph.org/by_format/MP3
root@OpenWrt:~# wget -qO- | madplay - -v --tty-control
Or play a MP3 stream through REST API interface
If you can make a small application that can retrieve a MP3 stream from https://soundcloud.com/, that would be great for you to build a real life sound system likes Sonos one. I love this way!!!