This project is written by cyk and llh, for the purpose of the database class 2021~2022 project.
- Dataset has been translated into serveral sqls in folder testcases, run builddatabase.cmd to import those sqls
- Use
mvn package
to compile - The compiled jar is in target, named
. Usejava -jar .\target\dbms-homework-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
to run the database - This jar support command line args. First argument is input file name, second is the output one. See the cmd script for more details.
Update in 2021.10.17 22:32
- Project initialized
- antlr and slf4j configured
- See
for the usage of antlr
Update in 2021.11.01 17:19
- File system implemented
- Need more check
Update in 2021.11.03
- Record System finished
- Basic check done
Update in 2021.12.03
- Index System implemented
Update in 2021.12.08
- Meta System implemented
Update in 2021.12.17
- Finish Basic database control.
- Create, drop, use database are now supported.
Update in 2021.12.18
- Basic insertion is supported
Update in 2021.12.19
- Basic selection is supported
Update in 2021.12.20
- jLine adapted
Update in 2021.12.21
- Update/Delete are now supported
Update in 2021.12.22
- More complex database control implemented
- add/drop index are now supported
- Add basic constraint check
Update in 2022.01.05
- Finish brute force join
Update in 2022.01.06
- Not null constraint is now supported.
Update in 2022.01.07
- finish a more complex join
- fix several bug in index node spliting.
Update in 2022.01.08
- After check hotfixes