Mobile friendly application for logging and tracking habits from day to day.
- Mobile friendly.
- Track unlimited number of habits.
- Displays number of days of greatest streak.
- Log and track habits on a calendar, if viewport is wide enough.
- Rails 5.2
- Ruby 2.6
- Postgres
- Node.js
- Yarn.js
- Clone this repo.
- Go to local folder.
- Ensure Postgres is running.
- Install gems by running the following in the terminal.
bundle install
- Install Node packages
yarn install
- Create the database
rails db:create
- Run migrations
rails db:migrate
- Start application
rails server
- Application is now running at
- Different types of habits:
- Habits that are performed multiple times a day.
- Habits that need not be performed on consecutive days.
- Goals for habits.
- Export habit data to CSV.
- Offline mode.