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SublimeText 3 Theme Port of Yeti_UI by jesseweed



Yeti Screenshot


Yeti Screenshot


  • Any thing less than 'ST3 Build 3062' wont get the sidebar icons to work.
  • if you used any of the resources in this repo into your own release ,plz appreciate the hard work and mention the original authors.
  • A New/Better syntax Highlight released under Yeti_UX.



  1. Download the .zip.
  2. Unzip and rename the folder to Yeti_UI.
  3. Copy the folder into Packages directory, which you can find using the menu item Preferences -> Browse Packages... in Sublime Text.
  4. Copy the (Resource/fold.png) "or edit it to ur liking" to Packages/Theme - Default to override the default code folding icon.


Activate the Theme by modifying your user preferences file, which you can find using the menu item Preferences -> Settings - User in Sublime Text or use Schemr & Themr by Ben Weier.

Example settings

  "theme": "Yeti.sublime-theme"


Themr have an option call Themr: Toggle Theme Settings to change theme settings on-the-fly , or manually add what you need from below.

// tabs
  "Seti_no_blue_bar": true,               // remove the blue bar under the un-saved tabs
  "Seti_tabs_small": true,                // tabs height = 35
  "Seti_tabs_med": true,                  // tabs height = 40
  "Seti_tabs_no_min_width": true,         // disable min width for tabs (issues/223)
  "Seti_tab_font_12": true,               // tab font size = 12
  "mouse_wheel_tabswitch": true,          // scroll through opened tabs
  "Seti_no_scroll_icons": true,           // remove the l/r arrows & the drop down button, effective when ("enable_tab_scrolling": true)
  "Seti_orange_button": true,             // change un-saved blue tab buttons to orange

// tab label
  "Seti_blue_label": true,                // change the un-saved tab label to blue
  "Seti_orange_label": true,		      // change un-saved label color to orange
  "Seti_bold_slctdtab_labels": true,      // make active tab label font in bold

// scrollbar
  "Seti_SB_med": true,                    // scrollbars width / height = 6
  "Seti_SB_big": true,                    // scrollbars width / height = 10

// sidebar
  "Seti_ClosedFolder_same": true,         // same icon as the Opened_folder
  "Seti_ClosedFolder_remove": true,       // remove closed_folder icon
  "Seti_ClosedFolder_dots": true,         // change closed_folder icon to dot
  "Seti_sb_small_padding": true,          // sidebar entries padding = 3
  "Seti_sb_big_padding": true,            // sidebar entries padding = 10
  "Seti_sb_tree_med": true,               // sidebar tree padding = 15
  "Seti_sb_tree_small": true,             // sidebar tree padding = 10
  "Seti_sb_tree_tiny": true,              // check (seti/issues/88)
  "Seti_sb_tree_miny": true,              // check (seti/issues/88)
  "Seti_show_group_arrows": true,         // show the folder/group arrows in sidebar
  "Seti_sb_no_icons": true,               // check (seti/issues/133)
  "Seti_sb_blank": true,                  // check (seti/issues/133)
  "Seti_bold_slctdfile_labels": true,     // make the sidebar selected file text in bold
  "Seti_sidebar_font_size_12": true,      // check (seti/issues/115)
  "Seti_sidebar_font_size_13": true,      // check (seti/issues/115)
  "Seti_sidebar_font_size_14": true,      // check (seti/issues/115)
  "Seti_sidebar_font_Ubuntu": true,       // check (seti/issues/115)
  "Seti_sidebar_font_Fira": true,         // check (seti/issues/115)
  "Seti_sidebar_font_Hack": true,         // check (seti/issues/115)
  "Seti_sidebar_font_Source": true,       // check (seti/issues/115)
  "Seti_heading_font_12": true,           // heading font size = 12
  "Seti_bold_heading": true,              // make heading font in bold

// view
  "Seti_pad_5": true,                     // use with line_padding_bottom / line_padding_top = 5
  "Seti_pad_3": true,                     // use with line_padding_bottom / line_padding_top = 3
  "Seti_panel_nrml": true,                // remove the padding top/down from quick panel

Differences from the original

  • No file icon in the opened tabs, ST lacks this.
  • Current line number highlight color, ST lacks this.

Issue A Ticket

  1. What version of ST are you using? (nothing lower than 3062)
  2. Have you restarted ST after you installed the theme?
  3. If you still have bad render, have you removed the cache folder (found right next to the packages folder)?
  4. Have you copied the files from the Ext folder to your User folder?