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ImGooeyStyles Release v0.1

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@pegvin pegvin released this 30 Apr 14:56
· 2 commits to master since this release

Full Changelog:


just drag and crop imgui_styles.cpp && imgui_styles.h in your project, add imgui_styles.cpp to your build system so it compiles & links, finally #include imgui_styles.h in your code and start using the functions!


Save Configuration: to save the styles to a file with data structured in ini format

IMGUI_API void ImGui::SaveStylesTo(const char* fileName);

Load Configuration: to load the styles from a file with data structured in ini format

IMGUI_API void ImGui::LoadStyleFrom(const char* fileName);

Building Demo

if you want to see the demo of the library in action, i've provided a demo which you can build & run, it can be used as a tool to modify imgui styles and save them for use later.

  1. Clone The Repository Using Git: git clone
  2. cd into the newly created directory: cd ImGooeyStyles/
  3. Build The Demo Using make: make all