Name | Description |
userInformation | Grab's the specified user (ID) information. |
membersPFPDownloader | Server members profile picture downloader. |
giveUserRoles | A critical bug that allows any user to give any roles to any user without any permissions. |
H1MarkdownSpammer | Server channel spammer using markdown h1. |
embedDDoS | Allows you to DDoS any channel/server with the use of embed (Only works with embed enabled). |
serverInformation | Grabs the specified server information. |
Vexus | Probably the first Revolt nuker built. |
maskMention | Mask user mention. |
embedDDoS (Bypass) | Bypass version of embedDDoS. |
systemMessageIIV | Allows you to redirect your server user join to any server channel. |
categoriesDDoS | Allows you to DDoS any server that you have "Manage Channels" permission on. |
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