Caitlin Littlefield ([email protected])
The scripts within this repository generate metrics and figures that express the relative ecological values (e.g., species richness, ecological connectivity, geophysical diversity, extractive industry threats, etc.) of a candidate BLM Area of Critical Environmental Concern under consideration.
The workflow is as follows, and scripts must be run in this order:
- sets working directory1 and loads requisite packages and sets several parameters for R environment
- loads shapefiles for candidate ACEC and relevant geographies and rasters of ecological indicators2
- extracts ecological indicator values for both the candidate ACEC and random samples across multiple spatial domains
- selects extracted values3 and generates summary figures4
- generates summary statistics that are unique to specific candidate ACECs (e.g., contribution to Important Bird Areas)
1 User must modify both working directory and input/outputs in lines 7-11. temporarily change working directory to data folder in line 119 then back in line 230.
2 User must temporarily change working directory to data folder in line 119 then back in line 230.
3 User must modify csv name in line 13 to reflect date and version generated in script 03.
4 User must also turn on/off ACEC and iteratively turn on/off the spatial domain of interest in lines 106-118.
Nb there is no script 02, as it was discontinued early in project.