Previous: Installing Other Required Packages
After installing ROS and other required packages, a catkin workspace should be created including the required ROS packages. You can visit Installing and Configuring Your ROS Environment to see more details.
5.1 Create a catkin workspace including the src folder in your home directory by,
mkdir -p ~/openshc_ws/src
# Here openshc_ws is the name given to the catkin workspace. You can use any other name as you wish.
5.2 Open the src folder in the created workspace by,
cd ~/openshc_ws/src
5.3 Clone the legged robot package to the src folder in your workspace by,
git clone
5.4 Clone the Syropod High Level Controller package to the src folder in your workspace by,
git clone
5.5 Clone the Syropod Remote package to the src folder in your workspace by,
git clone
5.6 Clone the Dynamixel Motor package to the src folder in your workspace by,
git clone
5.7 Clone the Dynamixel Joint State Publisher package to the src folder in your workspace by,
git clone