Previous: Installing Raspian Buster and ROS Melodic
After flashing the Raspian Buster to the SD card you can boot the Raspberry Pi 4 as follows.
2.1 Connect a mouse and keyboard to the board via USB.
2.2 Connect a monitor or other HDMI supported screen to the Pi using a mini-HDMI to HDMI cable. Either port on the board will work.
2.3 To install required packages the Pi will require internet. As this OS has a GUI there will be a prompt on first boot to set up a wireless connection. If you know this won't be available take this opportunity to plug the board in to a source of internet using an ethernet cable.
2.4 Use a 5.1V 3A USB-C Raspberry Pi power adaptor to supply the board. 3A phone chargers with a USB-C connector may also be used however some Raspberry Pis may refuse to boot due to the difference between 5 and 5.1V supply, this will depend on the quality of your supply.
2.5 Follow the login prompts to change your password and connect to a wireless internet source. When asked to check for updates it is important to select no as this may affect the ROS install.
2.6 Attempt to open a browser window to ensure the board has succesfully acquired internet.
2.7 Optional: If you intend to utilise the CSIRO Pi Hat (not available yet) which communicates over UART, you will need to disble the bluetooth as follows (adapted from
sudo raspi-config
Select option 5, Interfacing options, then option P6, Serial, and select No to the first question and yes to the second. Exit raspi-config.
Next, in a terminal window type the following.
sudo systemctl disable hciuart
Finally add a line at the end of /boot/config.txt that reads dtoverlay=pi3-miniuart-bt and another that reads enable_uart=1(may already be in the file if raspi-config saved successfully)
Restart the Pi.
This should return UART control to GPIO pins 14 and 15 which is necessary to use the Dynamixel bus on the board. PLEASE NOTE: Raspberry Pi UART will still not function for baud rates over 1M.