The new CSCU website is powered by Octopress (see below for more about octopress).
Octopress is Jekyll blogging at its finest.
- Octopress sports a clean responsive theme written in semantic HTML5, focused on readability and friendliness toward mobile devices.
- Code blogging is easy and beautiful. Embed code (with Solarized styling) in your posts from gists, jsFiddle or from your filesystem.
- Third party integration is simple with built-in support for Pinboard, Delicious, GitHub Repositories, Disqus Comments and Google Analytics.
- It's easy to use. A collection of rake tasks simplifies development and makes deploying a cinch.
- Ships with great plug-ins some original and others from the Jekyll community — tested and improved.
Note: Octopress requires a minimum Ruby version of 1.9.3-p0
Check out for guides and documentation.
Also see Octopress on Github.