A simple solution for extracting data from Slovakia.Digital's Datahub's RUZ scheme for testing number of stakeholders categorized by NACE and administrative boundaries from 1993-2018 within the ARIMA model.
Author of the ARIMA model is Jason Brownlee, PhD https://machinelearningmastery.com/arima-for-time-series-forecasting-with-python/
Source database: Slovensko.digital https://ekosystem.slovensko.digital/otvorene-data
Please read the comments in the scripts
monthly_data_1993_2007.sql | monthly_data_2008_2018.sql:
1.Curretnly both are set to one region and three NACE groups on the timeline 1993 - 2018.
2.For changing the boundaries of the data and NACE groups follow the MetaData for "Register účtovných závierok" scheme.
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