FFI bindings for the crypto-crawler crate.
On Mac OS X:
brew install [email protected]
cargo build --release
On Ubuntu:
sudo apt install libssl-dev pkg-config
cargo build --release
Or build via cmake:
rm -rf build && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
- cffi vs cpython vs pyo3, what should I use?
- Evolving Our Rust With Milksnake
- How to write Rust instead of C and get away with it
- avro-rs-ffi and pyavro-rs
- A dive into packaging native python extensions
- Rust + Python | Perl FFI Strings
- The Rust FFI Omnibus
- Calling Rust From Python
- Writing Python Extensions in Rust
- Building a Dual Shared and Static Library with CMake
- Building a rust library through CMake and using it as imported library target
- A guide for doing FFI using Rust
- Cmake line by line - creating a header-only library