This library provides a consistent and simple interface for managing environment variables across multiple runtimes, making it ideal for cross-platform development. Part of the @cross suite - check out our growing collection of cross-runtime tools at
- Cross-runtime support: Works seamlessly within Deno, Bun, and Node.js environments.
- Get and Set environment variables: Retrieve and Modify environment variables in a consistent interface across multiple runtimes.
- Validation: Ensures environment variables are valid before usage.
- Error handling: Provides clear error messages for unsupported runtimes or validation failures.
- Optional environmental file loading: Supports loading variables from custom .env(or other filename if supplied) files.
#For Deno
deno add @cross/env
#For Bun
bunx jsr add @cross/env
#For Node.js
npx jsr add @cross/env
Usage Examples
import relevant functions.
import { getEnv, setEnv, validateEnv } from "@cross/env";
Simple get example.
const apiKey = getEnv("API_KEY");
// or
console.log(`Home directory: ${getEnv("HOME")}`);
Get variable or throw error if not set.
// Will throw an UndefinedEnvironmentError error if variable is unset.
const dbUri = requireEnv("DB_URI");
Simple set example.
setEnv("ENVIRONMENT", "development");
setEnv("THE_COLOUR", "red");
Checking if a variable exists.
if (hasEnv("DB_USER")) {
// Handle database connection logic
Getting all environment variables.
// getting all variables
const allVariables = getAllEnv();
// getting all variables prefixed with API_
const apiVariables = getAllEnv("API_");
// Output:
// { API_KEY: 'abc123', API_VERSION: 'v2' }
Validation through custom functions.
// Validate a colour and execute conditional code.
const colourTest: ValidatorFunction = (value) => value === "red" || value === "green";
if (validateEnv("THE_COLOUR", colourTest)) {
console.log("Yep, its red or green.");
Validation through custom functions and getting the variable content.
// or validating and getting a port number.
const isValidPort = (value: string): boolean => /^\d+$/.test(value);
const port = validateAndGetEnv("PORT", isValidPort);
// or checking it we are reading a positive number.
function isPositiveNumber(value: string): boolean {
return !isNaN(Number(value)) && Number(value) > 0;
const timeout = validateAndGetEnv("TIMEOUT", isPositiveNumber);
To automatically load environment variables at the start of the application. This only works for .env-files but is customizable in the main setup function setupEnv() instead if different behavior is desired.
import "@cross/env/load";
For more advanced use cases you can configure the behaviour of the library. The library defaults to showing console warnings but not throwing errors.
await setupEnv({
throwErrors: true,
logWarnings: false,
dotEnv: {
enabled: false,
path: ".env.local",
allowQuotes: true,
enableExpansion: true,
Supported .env
File Features
- Basic Variable Definitions: Define variables using the
format. - Variable Expansion: Use variables within other variables (
). - Nested Expansion: Expand variables that reference other variables.
- Quotes: Enclose values with spaces using single or double quotes.
- Escaping: Prevent expansion with a backslash (
Example .env
# .env-local
Example code to read above .env-local
-file and console.logging all environmental variables prefixed with MYAPP_
import { getAllEnv, setupEnv } from "@cross/env";
await setupEnv({ dotEnv: { enabled: true, path: ".env-local" } });
const allVariables = getAllEnv("MYAPP_");
// Output of expanded variables ->
// {
// MYAPP_DATABASE_HOST: "my-database-server",
// MYAPP_WEB_SERVER_URL: "https://config/jdbc:mysql://my-database-server:3306/",
// MYAPP_DATABASE_URL: "jdbc:mysql://my-database-server:3306/my_schema",
// MYAPP_APP_CONFIG_PATH: "config/jdbc:mysql://my-database-server:3306/"
// }
Issues or questions concerning the library can be raised at the github repository page.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.