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A ROS node to convert lidar point cloud bag to depth image


Tested with ros-melodic. (11/18/2021 I wanted to try noetic, but it looks like ros_pcl has not been updated for noetic yet)

You'll need to install tf2_sensor_msgs with sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-geometry2


Example use:

rosrun lidar2depth lidar2depth_node points:=/X1/points/ camera_info:=/X1/front/optical/camera_info

The node publishes an image topic /depth_image containing a uint16 image.

The camera_info topic must contain an optical frame, that is,

  1. origin of frame should be optical center of camera
  2. +x should point to the right in the image
  3. +y should point down in the image
  4. +z should point into the plane of the image
    Source: CameraInfo

Otherwise the transforms for projecting the pointcloud into the image plane will be incorrectly oriented.

Launch files


Launch file for syncronizing and projecting depth maps for RELLIS 3D

  1. Set params in rellis_params.yaml

  2. Start launch file

roslaunch extract_rellis_images.launch
  1. Run
cd RELLIS-3D/utils
`` `  

4. Then start the bag playback

rosbag play "/home/jpldev/Datasets/Rellis_3D_unzip/Rellis-3D/example_filtered.bag" /nerian/left/camera_info:=/nerian/left/camera_info_mono /nerian/right/camera_info:=/nerian/right/camera_info_mono --pause

## Depth encoding
The depth values of the image use the same encoding as the KITTI dataset

> How the depth map is encoded in KITTI data:
 Depth maps (annotated and raw Velodyne scans) are saved as uint16 PNG images,
 which can be opened with either MATLAB, libpng++ or the latest version of
 Python's pillow (from PIL import Image). A 0 value indicates an invalid pixel
 (ie, no ground truth exists, or the estimation algorithm didn't produce an
 estimate for that pixel). Otherwise, the depth for a pixel can be computed
 in meters by converting the uint16 value to float and dividing it by 256.0:
> ```
> disp(u,v)  = ((float)I(u,v))/256.0;
> valid(u,v) = I(u,v)>0; 
> ```
> [Source: KITTI DevKit](

## Examples

For enhanced visualization, set 

rosparam set visualize true

This makes every lidar point project to a 3x3 pixel patch instead of a single pixel and scales the depth values to the full image range.

Different cameras will project the same lidar points to a different perspective

For example, the same point cloud, but different cameras were used for the following examples.

rosrun lidar2depth lidar2depth_node points:=/X1/points/ camera_info:=/X1/front/optical/camera_info

![Perspective 1 RGB](image2.png) 
![Perspective 1 Depth](depth2.png)

rosrun lidar2depth lidar2depth_node points:=/X1/points/ camera_info:=/X1/rear/optical/camera_info

![Perspective 2 RGB](image1.png) 
![Perspective 2 Depth](depth1.png)


Convert lidar point cloud bag to depth image







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