- Just compile it with a standar go build command. Or use the build.bat
- From command line, just execute "sessioncleaner install" to install it as a service (or uninstall if you want to remove it)
- It will look for a config file containing very basic configs. It MUST be in the same directory and it MUST be called "config.yml"
- You can set a timeout before closing the session, a list of ignored users, and the posibility of enable or disable the logging into a text file.
The yaml file should look like this:
timeout: 5 --> seconds
- domain\user1 --> allways include the domain. Even if it's the local PC name
- domain\user2
logtofile: true --> Boolean
Basically, it closes disconnected RDP sessions faster than the minimum time allowed by Microsoft (Which is 1 minute)
It's a minimal service that controls the RDP sessions status, and forces them to logoff inmediatly (or waiting a predefined amount of seconds)
The 1 minute limit from Microsoft was too much for my scenario. For several reasons, I REALLY needed to close these sessions inmediatly.
I made this for a very particular environment where we actually use RemoteApp, not fully desktop RDP sessions. When a session get disconnected, I know is safe to log it off.
However, be aware that this could not be feasible in all situations, and you are warned that it is -in most cases- a little dangerous to abruptly close an user session, and it may causes data lost
Of course, Windows only
It creates a ETW session client listening to the RDP server events. When the event of a new "Disconnection" shows up, it triggers the logoff.
A very simple program
uhmm.. what?
Finally, many thanks to:
they did the hard work