- HTML Elements
- Creating headlines with h2 elements
- Paragraph element
- Intoduction to HTML5 Elements
- Adding images to the website
- Linking external pages with anchor elements
- Linking internal Sections of a Page with Anchor Elements
Implemented yesterday's learnings
This year I wanted to take up certain learning challenges to skill up, and Responsive web design is the first challenge I took up. It's my day-2 and I've tried implementing yesterday's learnings.
-> HTML Elements -> Creating headlines with h2 elements -> Paragraph element -> Intoduction to HTML5 Elements -> Adding images to the website -> Linking external pages with anchor elements -> Linking internal Sections of a Page with Anchor Elements.
You can keep an eye on my daily learnings on GitHub.
This links to my GitHub RepoTopics learnt
- Making dead links using Hash symbol
- Turning an image to link
- Creating Bulleteed Unordered List
- Creating Ordered List
- Adding Placeholder text to a text field
- Creating set of Radio Buttons
- Creating set of Checkboxes
- Using the Value attribute with Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
- Other basic HTML stuff like declaring DOCTYPE of HTML document etc.
Topics Learnt
- Changing the color of text
- Using CSS selectors to style elements
- Using CSS Class to style elements
- Styling multiple elements with CSS class
- Changing font-size of element
- Setting the font family of an element
- Importing fonts from google
- Specifying how fonts should degrade
- Sizing the image
- Adding borders to the elements
- Using border-radius to make circular images and rounded borders
- Giving the div element a background color
- Setting an id for an element
- Using id attribute to style an element
- Adjusting the padding, margins
- Adding different padding, margins to each side of an element
- Using clock-wise notation to specify margin and padding of an element
- Using attribute selectors to style elements
- Understanding Absolute vs Relative units
- Inheriting styles from body element
- Prioritize one style over the other
- Overidding styles in subsequent CSS
- Overriding class declarations by styling ID attributes
- Overriding class declarations with inline styles
- Overriding all other styles using important
- Using Hex code (Hexadecimal code) to specify colors, mix colors
- Using abbreviated Hex code
- Using rgb values to color elements, to mix colors
- Using CSS variables
- Attaching fallback values to CSS variables
- Improving compatability with browser fallbacks
- Inheriting CSS variables
- Changing a variable for specific area
- Using media query to change a variable