The here listed nagios-icinga-checks were created during my work for credativ GmbH.
The usage of the checks depends on what kind of checks they are:
- nrpe plugins must be copied to the monitoring client
- normal checks must be run on the monitoring server
The plugin is a normal check which must be run on the monitoring server. It queries the target OpenVPN server and outputs OK, etc.
$ python check_openvpn --help
usage: check_openvpn [-h] [-p PORT] [-t] host
positional arguments:
host the OpenVPN host name or ip
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PORT, --port PORT set port number
-t, --tcp use tcp instead of udp
The plugin is an NRPE check and needs to be run on the monitoring client, thus the client which Puppetagent needs to be monitored.
$ python check_puppetagent --help
usage: check_puppetagent [-h] [-w WARN] [-c CRIT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-w WARN, --warn WARN seconds after last Puppet run which issues a warning
-c CRIT, --crit CRIT seconds after last Puppet run which are critica
The plugin is an NRPE check and needs to be run on the monitoring client. It checks if there are any failed systemd units (degraded state). Use it to make sure all services that should be up are actually up.
$ /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_systemd
OK: state is “running”