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Portal for Escalade held on July 16-17, 2022. There is a board (same as snakes and ladders) numbered from 1 to 80. Initially, the team will be at position 0. First, a die will be rolled, then the team has two options, either to re-roll, which will cost 15 points, or take a sneak peek(which will reveal whether, at the upcoming position, there is a monster or a booster), which will cost 25 points. After that, a question will appear(on a random basis), and the team has to answer that question to move forward. Answering a question correctly will reward 10 points and the player moves forward the number of places that appeared on the die. Points will not be rewarded for answering the same question multiple times. The team can take one hint per question(which will cost 10 points). If a team encounters a monster at any position, they will step down to a specified position. If the team encounters a booster, they will move up to a specific position.

Tech Stack

Client: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Server: Python, Django

Database: PostgreSQL

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd jungle-ctf

We recommend you to use virtual environment

  python -m venv venv

Activate virtual environment

  For Windows PowerShell


  For Linux and MacOS

    source env/bin/activate

Install dependencies

Note: For Windows users, replace psycopg2-binary with psycopg2 in requirements.txt

  pip install -r requirements.txt

Make sure you have installed PostgreSQL

Run the following commands in psql shell:

psql postgres

Create a new database for your Django project:


Create a new user with a password:

CREATE USER username WITH PASSWORD 'your_pass';

Grant all privileges on the database to the user:


Exit the Postgres shell:


Create .env file in base directory and place Secret-Key, Email credentials and Database credentials, as per the format given in sample_credentials.txt

Run Migrations

 python makemigrations
 python migrate

Start the server

  python runserver

To add data such as questions and boards information to database, open Admin Panel, first go to Questions section, and Click on the Import button at top-right corner, select Format as xlsx, and upload file name Question.xlsx from data folder, and proceed. Repeat steps for Booster and Opposer tables.


  • / - Landing page
  • register/ - For registration of team
  • start/ - Start the game
  • play/ - Main gameplay page
  • leaderboard/ - Leaderboard
  • rulebook/ - Rulebook
  • login/ - Login
  • logout/ - Logout
  • admin/ - Admin Panel
