A collection of utilities for Haxe.
Including logging, fully typed maps and sets, SVG tools, and many more.
Html5StorageManager is a service for storing data in flash and javascript using html5 localStorage. In Javascript, the service just wraps the native functions. In flash, a remoting proxy is created to communicate with the javascript 'server'.
Node.js is a single-threaded asynchronous server, particularly well suited for high performance servers such as game back-ends. Writing your Node.js code in Haxe is provides so many advantages there are almost too many to list.
The standard Haxe library is generally aimed at synchronous programming. This is a small collection of tools that I proved useful when writing async code. For the most part, these tools reduce the amount of code and make it easier to read, since async programming can often become verbose, especially when processing a long chain of async callbacks.
Inspired directly from Step. I wrote a haxe version of this as an exercise in async programming.
Since Node.js is built around async callbacks, a series of sequential async steps can become rather verbose with a lot of indenting, and it becomes rather ugly when you want to do parallel async tasks:
doSomething1(arg, function (err, result) {
doSomething2(result, function (err, result) {
doSomething3(result, function (err, result) {
doSomething4(result, function (err, result) {
//I'm indented quite a lot!
Step allows you to pass a series of functions, some of which can be performed in parallel, or as a group. The resulting code is much easier on the eye. Uncaught errors are caught and passed to the next function:
var step = new Step();
function () {
readFileAsync(fileName, step.cb);
function (err, fileData) {
doFooParallel(arg1, step.parallel());
doFooParallel(arg2, step.parallel());
doFooParallel(arg3, step.parallel());
function (err, foo1, foo2, foo3) {//Parallel results from previous call passed as function arguments
doFooGroup(arg1, step.group());
doFooGroup(arg2, step.group());
doFooGroup(arg3, step.group());
function (err, fooArray) {//Group results from previous added as an array argument
doSomethingElseAsync(fooArray, step.cb);
function (err, arg) {
//ok we're finished here, call the final callback supplied by the parent function
Contains some functions for operating asynchronously on iterables. For example, map values from an array to another array:
var fromArray = [1, 2, 3, 4];
var onElement = function (element :Int, cb :String->Void) {
haxe.Timer.delay(function () {
cb("Some int=" + element);
}, 100);
var onFinish = function (err :Dynamic, result :Array<String>) {
if (err != null) trace("Oh no: " + err);
trace("result=" + result);
AsyncLambda.map(fromArray, onElement, onFinish);
I could not find any existing unit testing framework that was both asynchronous and worked with Node.js (i.e. Javascript). This class is a simple implementation. See test.hxml for an example.
Mostly obsolete since polygonal is far superior.