This service acts as the central handler for managing banking-related data in a locally hosted CockroachDB instance. It provides RESTful APIs to perform various operations, including CRUD and complex compute support for banking entities.
- 🏛 Name
- 🔢 IFSC Code (Primary Key) – Equivalent to bank numbers (IFSC = Indian Financial System Code)
- 🔗 External ID
- 🌍 Country Code
- 📞 Contact Number
- 🏦 Bank Type (Government or Private)
- ✅ Is Active?
Bank Account
- 🏷️ Name
- 🔢 ID (Primary Key)
- 🔗 External ID
- 🔑 Bank IFSC (Foreign Key to Bank)
- 💳 Account Number
- 🔢 Transit Number
- 🏢 Institution Number
- 💰 Current Balance
- 📈 Interest Rate
- 🏷️ Tags – List of tags for account types, helping distinguish characteristics
- 💳 Max Overdraft Balance Allowed
- ✅ Is Active?
Bank Fixed Deposit
- 🔢 FD Number (Logical Composite Key)
- 👤 Direct User
- 👥 Original User
- 🆔 Customer ID (of Direct User)
- 🔑 Bank IFSC (Logical Foreign Key to Bank - Not a Hard Key Yet)
- 🔗 External ID
- 💰 Principal Amount Deposited
- 📈 Rate of Interest
- 📅 Start Date
- 📅 End Date
- 💵 Expected Amount
- 💸 Expected Interest (Expected Amount - Principal)
- 🗓️ Number of Months
- 📅 Number of Days Over Months
- 🧐 Interest Type – On Maturity, Annual, or Other
- 👤 Nominee
- ✅ Is Active?
- 💡 Type of Deposit – TFSA 🇨🇦 / FHSA 🇨🇦 / Non-Registered 🇨🇦 / India 🇮🇳
- 🔒 Freeze the Expected Amount?
Note: Fixed deposit is also known as
- 🇺🇸 Certificate of Deposit (USA)
- 🇨🇦 Guaranteed Investment Certificate (Canada)
- 🇮🇳 Fixed Deposit (India)
✔ CRUD and complex operations on banking entities
✔ RESTful API endpoints for seamless integration
✔ CockroachDB-backed storage for high availability and scalability
Stable | Latest |
2.1.29 | 2.1.29 |
🏗️ twm-artifactory
Centralized repository for source and compiled Protocol Buffers (Protobufs) used across TWM projects. -
🔗 twm-ping-client
A lightweight library providing Eureka-based heartbeat (ping) functionality for service discovery.
- Start up local cockroachdb cluster
- Start up twm-eureka
- Ensure the stable version is checked out (or latest if you are more brave)
- Run the Local Build step if not already done, to generate the jar
- Fire up the script at '' using no args
- Checkout the latest libraries and build their jars for local maven repo (~/.m2)
mvn clean install
For questions or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]