There are few ways to import Zoomist into your project:
You can easily install Zoomist from NPM.
npm i zoomist
// import Zoomist styles
import 'zoomist/css'
// import Zoomist
import Zoomist from 'zoomist'
// initialize
const zoomist = new Zoomist(...)
There are two ways to include Zoomist by using CDN.
<!-- styles -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<!-- scripts -->
<script src=""></script>
const zoomist = new Zoomist(...)
ES modules in browser:
<!-- styles -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<!-- scripts -->
<script type="module">
import Zoomist from ''
const zoomist = new Zoomist(...)
Or you can use Zoomist locally by DOWNLOAD assets.
After downloading Zoomist, there are a few steps to create a Zoomist:
You need to add Zoomist layout in your HTML:
<!-- zoomist-container -->
<div class="zoomist-container">
<!-- zoomist-wrapper is required -->
<div class="zoomist-wrapper">
<!-- zoomist-image is required -->
<div class="zoomist-image">
<!-- you can add anything you want to zoom here. -->
<img src="..." />
You may want to add some custom styles:
.zoomist-container {
width: 100%;
max-width: 600px;
.zoomist-image {
width: 100%;
aspect-ratio: 1;
.zoomist-image img {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
object-fit: cover;
object-position: center;
Finally, initialize Zoomist in your js file:
const zoomist = new Zoomist('.zoomist-container', {
// Optional parameters
maxScale: 4,
bounds: true,
// if you need slider
slider: true,
// if you need zoomer
zoomer: true
All available parameters and initial value:
new Zoomist('.zoomist-container', {
// set is draggable or not
draggable: true,
// set is wheelable or not
wheelable: true,
// set is pinchable or not
pinchable: true,
// set image stuck on bounds
bounds: true,
// the ratio of zooming at one time
zoomRatio: 0.1,
// the max scale of zoomist-image (must be number larger then initScale)
maxScale: 10,
// the min scale of zoomist-image (must be number smaller then initScale)
minScale: 1,
// set initial scale of zoomist-image
initScale: null,
// if set to true, enable to release touch events to allow for further page scrolling when .zoomist-image is on bounds.
dragReleaseOnBounds: false,
// if set to true, enable to release wheel events to allow for further page scrolling when .zoomist-image is on mixScale or maxScale.
wheelReleaseOnMinMax: false,
// elements matched this class will not be dragged.
disableDraggingClass: '.zoomist-not-draggable',
// elements matched this class will not be zoomed by mouse wheel.
disableWheelingClass: '.zoomist-not-wheelable',
// if set to true, enable to smooth drag
smooth: false
// zoomist slider module
slider: {
// the css selector string or a element of the slider
el: null,
// the direction of the slider 'horizontal' or 'vertical'
direction: 'horizontal'
zoomer: {
// the wrapper of all zoomer buttons
el: null,
// the css selector string or a element for in-zoomer
inEl: null,
// the css selector string or a element for out-zoomer
outEl: null,
// the css selector string or a element for reset-zoomer
resetEl: null,
// in zoomer and out zoomer will be disabled when image comes to maximin or minimum
disabledClass: 'zoomist-zoomer-disabled'
All available methods:
const zoomist = new Zoomist(...)
zoomist.move({ x, y })
zoomist.moveTo({ x, y })
zoomist.on(event, handler)
// Using on parameter before initialization.
const zoomist = new Zoomist('.zoomist-container', {
on: {
// invoked when zoomist instance ready
ready(zoomist) {...},
// invoked when reset methods be used
reset(zoomist) {...},
// invoked when image changes it's size
resize(zoomist) {...},
// invoked before destroy methods be used
beforeDestroy(zoomist) {...},
// invoked after destroy methods be used
destroy(zoomist) {...},
// invoked before update methods be used
beforeUpdate(zoomist) {...},
// invoked when update methods be used
update(zoomist) {...},
// invoked when image is zooming
zoom(zoomist, scale) {...},
// invoked when wheeling
wheel(zoomist, scale, event) {...},
// invoked when mousedown on wrapper
dragStart(zoomist, transform, event) {...},
// invoked when dragging the image
drag(zoomist, transform, event) {...},
// invoked when mouseup on wrapper
dragEnd(zoomist, transform, event) {...},
// invoked when mousedown on wrapper
pinchStart(zoomist, scale, event) {...},
// invoked when pinching the image
pinch(zoomist, scale, event) {...},
// invoked when mouseup on wrapper
pinchEnd(zoomist, scale, event) {...},
// invoked when mousedown on slider
slideStart(zoomist, value, event) {...},
// invoked when sliding the slider
slide(zoomist, value, event) {...},
// invoked when mouseup on slider
slideEnd(zoomist, value, event) {...}
// Using on method after initialization.
// For example:
zoomist.on('zoom', (zoomist, scale) => {...})