Interactive exploration of incarceration data provided by the Vera Institute.
A Recurse Center project by Corin Faife and Zoe Statman-Weil.
- The most up-to-date examples of Vega usage are in the Vega-Embed repo
Rewrite intro text on select page
Input type
displays as submit query on Firefox. (possibly this is fine) -
width: 100
problem in Chrome on Windows -
Barber County, Kansas - jail population less than pre-trial jail pop.
Connecticut/Windham County - 'reduction operation 'argmax' not allowed for this dtype' => no jail pop.
Bristol bay borough, AK - ?
Kusilvak census area, AK - NoneType
- Test with as many counties as possible
- Create prod branch / switch off debug mode in prod app
- Add a google tracker for stats (?)