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Adding a new song to freeplay

Core5570R edited this page Jan 11, 2023 · 1 revision

How to add a new song

(In this example, i'm adding a new song with name "cool-song")

First, you'll need a Chart File (.json), Instrumental, and Voices song files (.ogg).


Then, go to "cdev-mods/modName/songs/", and "cdev-mods/modName/data/charts/" and fill the "modName" with your mod's name, and make a folder inside of those 2 folders (songs & charts folder) with your song name on it.


After that, move / copy the json file of your song to "cdev-mods/modName/data/charts/".


Also, move / copy the song files of your song to "cdev-mods/modName/songs/".


Finally, open a txt file on "cdev-mods/modName/songList.txt", and then add your song name into the txt file


(it should be in this format: songName:characterIcon:weekNumber.)

After you done all the steps correctly, your song will be available on the Freeplay Menu


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