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[B] Redefine Nets.Subnet in an extensional way
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The previous definition of `Subnet` seems to require (certain forms of)
functional extensionality to prove simple facts like "every net is a
subnet of itself" or the following statement that being a `Subnet` is an
extensional property:
Lemma Subnet_compat {I J : DirectedSet} {X : Type}
  (x1 x2 : Net I X) (y1 y2 : Net J X) :
  (forall i, x1 i = x2 i) ->
  (forall j, y1 j = y2 j) ->
  Subnet x1 y1 -> Subnet x2 y2.

The new definition avoids such difficulties.
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Columbus240 committed Aug 6, 2024
1 parent 0aab07c commit d882a17
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12 changes: 7 additions & 5 deletions theories/Topology/Compactness.v
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Expand Up @@ -378,16 +378,18 @@ apply net_cluster_point_impl_subnet_converges in H6.
- constructor.
- now constructor.
destruct H6 as [J [y' []]].
destruct H6.
destruct H6 as [J [y' [HySy' Hy']]].
destruct HySy' as [h [Hh0 [Hh1 Hhy']]].
assert (net_limit (fun j:DS_set J => y (h j)) x0).
{ apply continuous_func_preserves_net_limits with
(f:=subspace_inc S) (Y:=X) in H7.
- assumption.
(f:=subspace_inc S) (Y:=X) in Hy'.
- cbn in Hy'.
eapply net_limit_compat; eauto.
intros ?; cbn. rewrite Hhy'. reflexivity.
- apply continuous_func_continuous_everywhere, subspace_inc_continuous. }
assert (net_limit (fun j:DS_set J => y (h j)) x).
{ apply subnet_limit with I0 y; trivial.
now constructor. }
exists h. now constructor. }
assert (x = x0).
{ eapply Hausdorff_impl_net_limit_unique; eassumption. }
now subst.
Expand Down
90 changes: 50 additions & 40 deletions theories/Topology/Nets.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,14 +6,17 @@ Set Asymmetric Patterns.
Definition Net (I : DirectedSet) (X : Type) : Type :=
DS_set I -> X.

Inductive Subnet {I : DirectedSet} {X : Type}
(x : Net I X) {J : DirectedSet} : Net J X -> Prop :=
| intro_subnet: forall h:DS_set J -> DS_set I,
(forall j1 j2:DS_set J,
DS_ord j1 j2 -> DS_ord (h j1) (h j2)) ->
(exists arbitrarily large i:DS_set I,
exists j:DS_set J, h j = i) ->
Subnet x (fun j:DS_set J => x (h j)).
Definition Subnet {I : DirectedSet} {X : Type}
(x : Net I X) {J : DirectedSet} (y : Net J X) : Prop :=
exists (h : DS_set J -> DS_set I),
(* [h] is monotonous *)
(forall j1 j2 : DS_set J,
DS_ord j1 j2 -> DS_ord (h j1) (h j2)) /\
(exists arbitrarily large i : DS_set I,
exists j : DS_set J, h j = i) /\
(* [y] is [x ∘ h] *)
(forall j : DS_set J,
y j = x (h j)).

Section Net.
Variable I:DirectedSet.
Expand All @@ -27,6 +30,17 @@ Definition net_cluster_point (x:Net I X) (x0:X) : Prop :=
forall U:Ensemble X, open U -> In U x0 ->
exists arbitrarily large i:DS_set I, In U (x i).

Lemma net_limit_compat (x1 x2 : Net I X) (x : X) :
(forall i : DS_set I, x1 i = x2 i) ->
net_limit x1 x -> net_limit x2 x.
intros Hxx Hx1.
intros U HU HUx.
specialize (Hx1 U HU HUx) as [i Hi].
exists i. intros i0 Hii.
rewrite <- Hxx. apply Hi; assumption.

Lemma net_limit_is_cluster_point: forall (x:Net I X) (x0:X),
net_limit x x0 -> net_cluster_point x x0.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -279,38 +293,32 @@ Lemma subnet_limit: forall (x0:X) {J:DirectedSet}
net_limit y x0.
destruct H0.
red. intros.
destruct (H U H2 H3).
destruct (H1 x1).
destruct H5, H6.
exists x3.
apply H4.
apply preord_trans with x2; trivial.
- apply DS_ord_cond.
- rewrite <- H6.
now apply H0.
destruct H0 as [h [Hh0 [Hh1 Hxy]]].
red. intros U HU HUx0.
destruct (H U HU HUx0) as [i Hi].
destruct (Hh1 i) as [i0 [Hii [j0 Hij0]]].
subst i0. exists j0.
intros j1 Hj1.
rewrite Hxy. apply Hi.
apply preord_trans with (h j0); auto.
apply DS_ord_cond.

Lemma subnet_cluster_point: forall (x0:X) {J:DirectedSet}
(y:Net J X), net_cluster_point y x0 ->
Subnet x y -> net_cluster_point x x0.
destruct H0 as [h h_increasing h_dominant].
red. intros.
red. intros.
destruct (h_dominant i).
destruct H2, H3.
destruct (H U H0 H1 x2).
destruct H4.
exists (h x3).
split; trivial.
apply preord_trans with x1; trivial.
- apply DS_ord_cond.
- rewrite <- H3.
now apply h_increasing.
destruct H0 as [h [h_increasing [h_dominant Hxy]]].
intros U HU HUx0 i.
destruct (h_dominant i) as [i0 [Hii [j Hj]]].
subst i0.
destruct (H U HU HUx0 j) as [j0 [Hj0 Hj1]].
exists (h j0).
- apply preord_trans with (h j); auto.
apply DS_ord_cond.
- rewrite <- Hxy. assumption.

Section cluster_point_subnet.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -395,21 +403,23 @@ Definition cluster_point_subnet : Net
Lemma cluster_point_subnet_is_subnet:
Subnet x cluster_point_subnet.
- intros.
exists cps_i. split; [|split].
- intros j1 j2.
destruct j1, j2.
simpl in H. simpl.
red in H. tauto.
- red. intros.
exists i. split.
simpl. intros Hjj.
unfold cluster_point_subnet_DS_ord in Hjj at 1.
cbn in Hjj. tauto.
- intros i. exists i. split.
+ apply preord_refl, DS_ord_cond.
+ assert (open_neighborhood Full_set x0).
{ repeat constructor.
apply open_full. }
apply open_full.
assert (In Full_set (x i)) by
now exists (Build_cluster_point_subnet_DS_set
i Full_set H H0).
- intros j. reflexivity.

Lemma cluster_point_subnet_converges:
Expand Down

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