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flexo: Simple Lex/Parse Tools in R


flexo provides tools for simple tokenising/lexing/parsing of text files.

flexo aims to be useful in getting otherwise unsupported text data formats into R.

What’s in the box

  • lex(text, regexes) break a text string into tokens using the supplied regular expressions
  • TokenStream is an R6 class for manipulating a stream of tokens - a first step for parsing the data into a more useful format
  • create_stream() is a base R version of TokenStream which uses environments directly


You can install flexo from github coolbutuseless/flexo with

# install.packages('remotes')
remotes::install_github('coolbutuseless/flexo', ref='main')

Usage Overview

  • Define a set of regular expressions (regexes) that define the tokens in the data
  • Call lex() to use these regexes to split data into tokens i.e. lex(text, regexes)
  • lex() returns a named character vector of tokens. The names of the tokens correspond to the respective regex which captured it.
  • Optionally use the TokenStream R6 class to aid in the manipulation of the raw tokens into more structured data.
  • New in v0.2.5 use a base R environment-based token stream iniated with create_stream(tokens)

I often do not import the flexo package for projects, but instead copy the lex.R and stream.R files into the new package. This avoids having a non-CRAN dependency on an otherwise simple project.


For complicated parsing (e.g. programming languages) you’ll want to use the more formally correct lexing/parsing provided by the rly package or the dparser package.


Vignettes are available to read online

Example: Using lex() to split sentence into tokens

sentence_regexes <- c(
  word        = "\\w+", 
  whitespace  = "\\s+",
  fullstop    = "\\.",
  comma       = ","

sentence = "Hello there, Rstats."

flexo::lex(sentence, sentence_regexes)
##       word whitespace       word      comma whitespace       word   fullstop 
##    "Hello"        " "    "there"        ","        " "   "Rstats"        "."

Example: Using lex() to split some simplified R code into tokens

R_regexes <- c(
  number      = "-?\\d*\\.?\\d+",
  name        = "\\w+",
  equals      = "==",
  assign      = "<-|=",
  plus        = "\\+",
  lbracket    = "\\(",
  rbracket    = "\\)",
  newline     = "\n",
  whitespace  = "\\s+"

R_code <- "x <- 3 + 4.2 + rnorm(1)"

R_tokens <- flexo::lex(R_code, R_regexes)
##       name whitespace     assign whitespace     number whitespace       plus 
##        "x"        " "       "<-"        " "        "3"        " "        "+" 
## whitespace     number whitespace       plus whitespace       name   lbracket 
##        " "      "4.2"        " "        "+"        " "    "rnorm"        "(" 
##     number   rbracket 
##        "1"        ")"

Example: Using lex() with TokenStream

Once lex() is used to create the separate tokens, the next step is to intepret the token sequence into something much more structured e.g. a data.frame or matrix.

The example below shows flexo being used to to parse a hypothetical tic-tac-toe game format into a matrix.

# A tough game between myself and Kasparov (my pet rock)
# The comment line denotes who the game was between
# Each square is marked with an 'X' or 'O'
# After each X and O is a number indicating the order in which the mark
# appeared on the board.
game <- "
# Kasparov(X) vs Coolbutuseless(O)
  X2 | O1 | O5 
  O3 | X4 | X6
  X7 | O8 | X9

# Define all the regexes to split the game into tokens
game_regexes <- c(
  comment     = "(#.*?)\n", 
  whitespace  = "\\s+",
  sep         = "\\|",
  mark        = "X|O",
  order       = flexo::re$number

# Use flexo::lex() to break game into tokens with these regexes
tokens <- flexo::lex(game, game_regexes)

# Remove some tokens that don't contain actual information
tokens <- tokens[!names(tokens) %in% c('whitespace', 'comment', 'sep')]

##  mark order  mark order  mark order  mark order  mark order  mark order  mark 
##   "X"   "2"   "O"   "1"   "O"   "5"   "O"   "3"   "X"   "4"   "X"   "6"   "X" 
## order  mark order  mark order 
##   "7"   "O"   "8"   "X"   "9"
# Create a TokenStream object for help in manipulating the tokens
# Obviously there are easier ways to do this on such a simple example, but 
# the below example is hopefully illustrative of the technique
stream <- TokenStream$new(tokens)

mark  <- c()
order <- c()

# Keep processing all the tokens until done.  
# The tokens should exist in pairs of 'mark' and 'order', so assert that pairing
# Consume and store the values from the stream into 'mark' and 'order' vectors
# Bind all the information into a matrix
while (!stream$end_of_stream()) {
  stream$assert_name_seq(c('mark', 'order'))
  mark  <- c(mark , stream$consume(1))
  order <- c(order, stream$consume(1))

cbind(mark, order)
##      mark order
## mark "X"  "2"  
## mark "O"  "1"  
## mark "O"  "5"  
## mark "O"  "3"  
## mark "X"  "4"  
## mark "X"  "6"  
## mark "X"  "7"  
## mark "O"  "8"  
## mark "X"  "9"


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