💎 Ethereum infrastructure, contracts and streaming ETL
Get started below.
Make sure your development environment has the necessary prerequisites.
Node.js (v16.x) – we use nvm to manage Node.js versions.
VSCode – you could also use another editor, but this helps us guarantee linter/formatter features.
Clone the repository, checkout a new branch from develop, and install all dependencies.
git clone https://github.com/consensusnetworks/ethereum-stack.git
cd ethereum-stack
git checkout -b feature/hodl-contract develop
npm install
Compile the contracts in contracts/.
npm run task:compile
Test the contracts with the tests in scripts/hardhat/test/.
npm run test:contracts
Deploy contracts/Sample.sol with scripts/hardhat/deploy/sample.ts.
npm run deploy:sample
Clean build/artifacts/ and build/cache/). (Note, this is useful if you change the Hardhat configuration.)
npm run task:clean
Start a local Ethereum node.
npm run node:local
Print all local accounts.
npm run task:accounts