Extract to C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local
(WinKey + R)
autoexec.lua will automatically load all scripts specified in the file
ubercounter modification - ignoring kritz - calculate fake uber in place for kritz when enabled - make it possible to customize everything easily, position, text size etc etc etc option to add slight randomness to uber percentage
indicator when to det when people are near stickies
killfeed colors for different classes. only for enemy
esp lasso - same as anti air but for all classes, able to specify different color boxes and tracers for each class. maybe alpha based on distance? also only visible mode for all of them
matchhud enemy hp
prevent shooting/mouse1 if health low enough to explode from rocket if soldier - only if lookling at a wall. Also make it so that if in the face of a player and low health we negate expld dmg by activating jump before shooting - millisecond delay too so its random
indicator where rocket/grenade will land - with seconds remaining
spy detector, if within certain radius change color to rainbow or something to indicate they decloaked, but only if within certain radius
fix med arrow line to go from eyeangles to where its fired to instead of legs
notif on screen if someone looks at you, highlight or borders
sticky explosion radius/rocket explosion radius when drawing projected path, like a ball
fix nohats so that
local get_materials = function(material) if material:GetTextureGroupName() == "World textures" then --material:ColorModulate(255, 0, 0); --done this one first then done the one below to try "reset" it. material:ColorModulate(255, 255, 255); end end materials.Enumerate(get_materials)
world textures don't get hidden, i guess vertexlitgeneric somethign fucks up it also lags because of the movechild thing
sniper chams when visible
focusfire/antiair box corners scale with distance
visible box color for focusfire like in antiair
proper unload and register for all scripts
when drawing chams in focusfire/antiair use getmovechild and peer to color the entire model/weapon so all attachments
make players we aim at fullbright
show taunter through walls chams
destroy window when player dies
scout scattergun meatshot triggerbot
auto wallbug
wallssticking will not work on walls parallel to x and y axiis
15 30 and 45 degrees, they are not aligned with the x and y axiis you can stick to them just fine.
if you launch yourself towards a wall and quickly tap your left and right movement keys while against wall you can get stuck to it
to hold your position, juts hold whatever key it is that got you stuck
stickycam boolean followLatest - follow latest sticky
boolean autoSwitchClosest - automatically switch to closest sticky
spectaet script - only apply invisible chams if in first person
sticky radius script
medic heal cam - either for medic themself or any player on the team toggle between enemy and friendly med
maincaller cam - target specific player displaying the world through their eyes in a camera window
will display the vision of teammate being healed in a window
small update/notification library - if present we load it and auto update scripts and display notifications
menu for configuring everything>
modify esp to not draw for sourcemod invisible players
_cl_classmenuopen returns 0 if closed, 1 if open for spectate script