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Github Action to apply security updates to a Drupal 7 project

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Drupal 7 Security Updates Action

This is a Docker based Github Action which checks for available security updates for a Drupal 7 project. It downloads and pushes the updates to a separate branch, and creates a Pull Request so that the updates can be tested before being merged to master.


This action can only be used by workflows inside repositories with Drupal 7 projects following the standard Drupal 7 folder structure.

It assumes it will be used in a workflow containing a service named mysql, which exposes a database named drupal containing a valid schema (anonymized or not) for the site in the workflow repo. We strongly recommend using compucorp/mysql-anondb for that.

Since the action includes some logic based on the existence of tags and branches, it cannot be used in a shallow clone. Make sure of adding fetch-depth: 0 to your step responsible for checking out the code.


Here is an example of how to use it inside a Github Action workflow:

name: Security Updates
on: push

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

        image: compucorp/mysql-anondb
          - 3306:3306
          S3_ACCESS_KEY: ${{ secrets.ANONDB_S3_ACCESS_KEY }}
          S3_SECRET_KEY: ${{ secrets.ANONDB_S3_SECRET_KEY }}
          DRUPAL_ONLY: yes
          ANONDB_S3_BUCKET: anonymized-dbs

      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          fetch-depth: 0 #No shallow clones!

      - name: Security updates
        id: security-updates
        uses: docker://compucorp/drupal7-security-updates-action:1.0.0-php7.2
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

The action will always consider the latest tag as the base for security updates. This is based on the assumption that this is what we're running in production. If for some reason it cannot find any tags, the master branch will be used instead.

If there are security updates available, they will be pushed to a branch named <tag or master>_security_updates. A Pull Request will also be created targetting master. Both the commit and the Pull Request will contain a list of all the modules which have been updated, including their current version and the version they have been updated to.

For projects that require CiviCRM, there's also a CIVICRM_ROOT variable that can be useful. The image ships with a standard civicrm.settings.php file, which will be used while setting up the site for updates. The variable specifies the root directory of CiviCRM. By default, it points to sites/all/modules/civicrm, but, if necessary, the variable can be set to point to a different location.

Local testing

This project assumes it will be executed as part of a Github Actions workflow. Because of that, it has some certain requirements to be able to run and it assumes all of them will be met whenever it gets executed. Unfortunately, this makes is really difficult to test it locally, as you would need to manually create docker containers, set environment variables, and clone repositories.

You can use the script to make this process a little bit easier. It will take care of:

  • Checking if the necessary environment variables are available
  • Clone the repository following an approach similar to what Github Actions does
  • Initialize a local mysql-anondb container
  • Run the drupal7-security-update container (which in fact will run the action itself)

For more details on how to run the script, simply run without any params.

Note that this was developed only for simple troubleshooting and doesn't fully replicate what Github Actions does. For example, the script doesn't clean things up after it finishes. If you want to run it multiple times, you'll need to manually remove the mysql container and cloned repositories inside workdir.

Notifying about updates

The action isn't responsible for any kind of notification itself, but it exposes 2 outputs (branch and pull-request), which you can use in subsequent steps to notify people about the updates. Here's an example of sending notifications via Slack:

- name: Send slack notification
  uses: rtCamp/[email protected]
  if: ${{ != '' }}
    SLACK_COLOR: '#ff0000'
    MSG_MINIMAL: true
    SLACK_USERNAME: Security Updates
    SLACK_TITLE: Drupal 7 Security Updates
      :warning: *There are new security updates available for <<SITE>>* :warning:

      The updates have been applied to the `${{ }}` branch.

      For more details on what has been updated, check the Pull Request: ${{ }}

Note that in order to be able to access the output of a step, you need to give it an id (security-updates in this case). Also note that branch will be empty in case no security updates were applied. We can use that inside an if and avoid sending the notification in case nothing was updated.

Building and Pushing images

There's a script that will automatically build and push all the variants available for the image. Here's an example of how to build images for version 1.2.0:

./ 1.2.0

This will generate the following images:

  • compucorp/drupal7-security-updates-action:1.2.0-php7.2
  • compucorp/drupal7-security-updates-action:1.2.0-php5.6