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Use types from the path package
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mpilgrem committed Sep 13, 2023
1 parent 17691c6 commit a4de03c
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Showing 5 changed files with 87 additions and 73 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ dependencies:
- project-template
- random
- rio >=
- rio-prettyprint >=
- rio-prettyprint >=
- split
- stm
- tar
Expand Down
142 changes: 74 additions & 68 deletions src/GHC/Utils/GhcPkg/Main/Compat.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
-- * use Stack program name,
-- * use "Stack.Prelude" rather than "Prelude",
-- * use 'RIO' @env@ monad,
-- * use well-typed representations of paths from the @path@ package,
-- * add pretty messages and exceptions,
-- * redundant code deleted,
-- * Hlint applied, and
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,10 +50,16 @@ import Distribution.Text ( display )
import Distribution.Version ( nullVersion )
import GHC.IO.Exception (IOErrorType(InappropriateType))
import qualified GHC.Unit.Database as GhcPkg
import Path
( SomeBase (..), fileExtension, mapSomeBase, parseRelFile
, parseSomeDir, prjSomeBase
import qualified Path as P
import Path.IO
( createDirIfMissing, doesDirExist, listDir, removeFile )
import qualified RIO.ByteString as BS
import RIO.Directory
( createDirectoryIfMissing, doesDirectoryExist
, getDirectoryContents, removeFile )
import RIO.Partial ( fromJust )
import Stack.Constants ( relFilePackageCache )
import Stack.Prelude hiding ( display )
import System.Environment ( getEnv )
import System.FilePath as FilePath
Expand All @@ -78,19 +85,18 @@ ghcPkgUnregisterForce globalDb pkgDb hasIpid pkgarg_strs = do
: (pretty pkgDb <> ":")
: mkNarrativeList (Just Current) False
(map (fromString . show) pkgargs :: [StyleDoc])
unregisterPackages globalDb pkgargs pkgDb'
unregisterPackages globalDb pkgargs pkgDb
pkgDb' = toFilePath pkgDb
as_arg = if hasIpid then AsUnitId else AsDefault

-- | Type representing \'pretty\' exceptions thrown by functions exported by the
-- "GHC.Utils.GhcPkg.Main.Compat" module.
data GhcPkgPrettyException
= CannotParse !String !String !String
| CannotOpenDBForModification !FilePath !IOException
| SingleFileDBUnsupported !FilePath
| CannotOpenDBForModification !(SomeBase Dir) !IOException
| SingleFileDBUnsupported !(SomeBase Dir)
| ParsePackageInfoExceptions !String
| CannotFindPackage !PackageArg !(Maybe FilePath)
| CannotFindPackage !PackageArg !(Maybe (SomeBase Dir))
deriving (Show, Typeable)

instance Pretty GhcPkgPrettyException where
Expand All @@ -110,7 +116,7 @@ instance Pretty GhcPkgPrettyException where
<> line
<> fillSep
[ flow "Couldn't open database"
, style Dir (fromString db_path)
, pretty db_path
, flow "for modification:"
<> blankLine
Expand All @@ -120,7 +126,7 @@ instance Pretty GhcPkgPrettyException where
<> line
<> fillSep
[ flow "ghc no longer supports single-file style package databases"
, parens (style Dir (fromString path))
, parens (pretty path)
, "use"
, style Shell (flow "ghc-pkg init")
, flow "to create the database with the correct format."
Expand All @@ -137,7 +143,7 @@ instance Pretty GhcPkgPrettyException where
, style Current (pkg_msg pkgarg)
, maybe
(\db_path -> fillSep ["in", style Dir (fromString db_path)])
(\db_path -> fillSep ["in", pretty db_path])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,7 +207,7 @@ readPackageArg AsDefault str = Id <$> readGlobPkgId str
-- Package databases

data PackageDB (mode :: GhcPkg.DbMode) = PackageDB
{ location :: !FilePath
{ location :: !(SomeBase Dir)
-- We only need possibly-relative package db location. The relative
-- location is used as an identifier for the db, so it is important we do
-- not modify it.
Expand All @@ -223,7 +229,7 @@ getPkgDatabases ::
=> Path Abs Dir
-- ^ Path to the global package database.
-> PackageArg
-> FilePath
-> Path Abs Dir
-- ^ Path to the package database.
-> RIO
Expand All @@ -242,49 +248,48 @@ getPkgDatabases globalDb pkgarg pkgDb = do
-- this is found relative to the ghc-pkg.exe binary, whereas on Unix the
-- location is passed to the binary using the --global-package-db flag by the
-- wrapper script.
let global_conf = toFilePath globalDb
sys_databases = [global_conf]
let sys_databases = [Abs globalDb]
e_pkg_path <- tryIO (liftIO $ System.Environment.getEnv "GHC_PACKAGE_PATH")
let env_stack =
case e_pkg_path of
Left _ -> sys_databases
Right path
| not (null path) && isSearchPathSeparator (last path)
-> splitSearchPath (init path) ++ sys_databases
-> mapMaybe parseSomeDir (splitSearchPath (init path)) <> sys_databases
| otherwise
-> splitSearchPath path
-> mapMaybe parseSomeDir (splitSearchPath path)

-- -f flags on the command line add to the database stack, unless any of them
-- are present in the stack already.
let final_stack = [pkgDb | pkgDb `notElem` env_stack] <> env_stack
let final_stack = [Abs pkgDb | Abs pkgDb `notElem` env_stack] <> env_stack

(db_stack, db_to_operate_on) <- getDatabases [pkgDb] final_stack
(db_stack, db_to_operate_on) <- getDatabases pkgDb final_stack

let flag_db_stack = [ db | db <- db_stack, location db == pkgDb ]
let flag_db_stack = [ db | db <- db_stack, location db == Abs pkgDb ]

$ flow "Db stack:"
: map (style Dir . fromString . location) db_stack
: map (pretty . location) db_stack
F.forM_ db_to_operate_on $ \db ->
[ "Modifying:"
, style Dir (fromString $ location db)
, pretty $ location db
$ flow "Flag db stack:"
: map (style Dir . fromString . location) flag_db_stack
: map (pretty . location) flag_db_stack

pure (db_stack, db_to_operate_on, flag_db_stack)
getDatabases flag_db_names final_stack = do
getDatabases flag_db_name final_stack = do
-- The package db we open in read write mode is the first one included in
-- flag_db_names that contains specified package. Therefore we need to
-- open each one in read/write mode first and decide whether it's for
-- modification based on its contents.
(db_stack, mto_modify) <- stateSequence Nothing
[ \case
to_modify@(Just _) -> (, to_modify) <$> readDatabase db_path
Nothing -> if db_path `notElem` flag_db_names
Nothing -> if db_path /= Abs flag_db_name
then (, Nothing) <$> readDatabase db_path
else do
let hasPkg :: PackageDB mode -> Bool
Expand All @@ -293,7 +298,8 @@ getPkgDatabases globalDb pkgarg pkgDb = do
openRo (e::IOException) = do
db <- readDatabase db_path
if hasPkg db
then couldntOpenDbForModification db_path e
prettyThrowIO $ CannotOpenDBForModification db_path e
else pure (db, Nothing)

-- If we fail to open the database in read/write mode, we need
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -321,12 +327,8 @@ getPkgDatabases globalDb pkgarg pkgDb = do

pure (db_stack, GhcPkg.DbOpenReadWrite to_modify)
couldntOpenDbForModification :: FilePath -> IOException -> RIO env a
couldntOpenDbForModification db_path e = prettyThrowIO $
CannotOpenDBForModification db_path e

-- Parse package db in read-only mode.
readDatabase :: FilePath -> RIO env (PackageDB 'GhcPkg.DbReadOnly)
readDatabase :: SomeBase Dir -> RIO env (PackageDB 'GhcPkg.DbReadOnly)
readDatabase = readParseDatabase GhcPkg.DbOpenReadOnly

stateSequence :: Monad m => s -> [s -> m (a, s)] -> m ([a], s)
Expand All @@ -339,10 +341,10 @@ getPkgDatabases globalDb pkgarg pkgDb = do
readParseDatabase ::
forall mode t env. HasTerm env
=> GhcPkg.DbOpenMode mode t
-> FilePath
-> SomeBase Dir
-> RIO env (PackageDB mode)
readParseDatabase mode path = do
e <- tryIO $ getDirectoryContents path
e <- tryIO $ prjSomeBase listDir path
case e of
Left err
| ioeGetErrorType err == InappropriateType -> do
Expand All @@ -354,23 +356,25 @@ readParseDatabase mode path = do
Nothing -> prettyThrowIO $ SingleFileDBUnsupported path

| otherwise -> liftIO $ ioError err
Right fs -> ignore_cache (const $ pure ())
Right (_, fs) -> ignore_cache
confs = map (path </>) $ filter (".conf" `isSuffixOf`) fs

ignore_cache :: (FilePath -> RIO env ()) -> RIO env (PackageDB mode)
ignore_cache checkTime = do
-- If we're opening for modification, we need to acquire a
-- lock even if we don't open the cache now, because we are
-- going to modify it later.
lock <- liftIO $ F.mapM (const $ GhcPkg.lockPackageDb cache) mode
let doFile f = do
checkTime f
parseSingletonPackageConf f
pkgs <- mapM doFile confs
confs = filter isConf fs

isConf :: Path Abs File -> Bool
isConf f = case fileExtension f of
Nothing -> False
Just ext -> ext == ".conf"

ignore_cache :: RIO env (PackageDB mode)
ignore_cache = do
-- If we're opening for modification, we need to acquire a lock even if
-- we don't open the cache now, because we are going to modify it later.
lock <- liftIO $
F.mapM (const $ GhcPkg.lockPackageDb (prjSomeBase toFilePath cache)) mode
pkgs <- mapM parseSingletonPackageConf confs
mkPackageDB pkgs lock
cache = path </> cachefilename
cache = mapSomeBase (P.</> relFilePackageCache) path

mkPackageDB ::
Expand All @@ -385,17 +389,14 @@ readParseDatabase mode path = do

parseSingletonPackageConf ::
HasTerm env
=> FilePath
=> Path Abs File
-> RIO env InstalledPackageInfo
parseSingletonPackageConf file = do
[ flow "Reading package config:"
, style File (fromString file)
, pretty file
BS.readFile file >>= fmap fst . parsePackageInfo

cachefilename :: FilePath
cachefilename = "package.cache"
BS.readFile (toFilePath file) >>= fmap fst . parsePackageInfo

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Workaround for old single-file style package dbs
Expand All @@ -414,28 +415,29 @@ cachefilename = "package.cache"
tryReadParseOldFileStyleDatabase ::
HasTerm env
=> GhcPkg.DbOpenMode mode t
-> FilePath
-> SomeBase Dir
-> RIO env (Maybe (PackageDB mode))
tryReadParseOldFileStyleDatabase mode path = do
-- assumes we've already established that path exists and is not a dir
content <- liftIO $ readFile path `catchIO` \_ -> pure ""
content <- liftIO $ readFile (prjSomeBase toFilePath path) `catchIO` \_ -> pure ""
if take 2 content == "[]"
then do
let path_dir = adjustOldDatabasePath path
[ flow "Ignoring old file-style db and trying"
, style Dir (fromString path_dir)
, pretty path_dir
direxists <- doesDirectoryExist path_dir
direxists <- prjSomeBase doesDirExist path_dir
if direxists
then do
db <- readParseDatabase mode path_dir
-- but pretend it was at the original location
pure $ Just db { location = path }
else do
lock <- F.forM mode $ \_ -> do
createDirectoryIfMissing True path_dir
liftIO $ GhcPkg.lockPackageDb $ path_dir </> cachefilename
prjSomeBase (createDirIfMissing True) path_dir
liftIO $ GhcPkg.lockPackageDb $
prjSomeBase (toFilePath . (P.</> relFilePackageCache)) path_dir
pure $ Just PackageDB
{ location = path
, packageDbLock = lock
Expand All @@ -449,7 +451,7 @@ adjustOldFileStylePackageDB :: PackageDB mode -> RIO env (PackageDB mode)
adjustOldFileStylePackageDB db = do
-- assumes we have not yet established if it's an old style or not
mcontent <- liftIO $
fmap Just (readFile (location db)) `catchIO` \_ -> pure Nothing
fmap Just (readFile (prjSomeBase toFilePath (location db))) `catchIO` \_ -> pure Nothing
case fmap (take 2) mcontent of
-- it is an old style and empty db, so look for a dir kind in location.d/
Just "[]" -> pure db
Expand All @@ -459,8 +461,9 @@ adjustOldFileStylePackageDB db = do
-- probably not old style, carry on as normal
Nothing -> pure db

adjustOldDatabasePath :: FilePath -> FilePath
adjustOldDatabasePath = (<.> "d")
adjustOldDatabasePath :: SomeBase Dir -> SomeBase Dir
adjustOldDatabasePath =
fromJust . prjSomeBase (parseSomeDir . (<> ".d") . toFilePath)

parsePackageInfo :: BS.ByteString -> RIO env (InstalledPackageInfo, [String])
parsePackageInfo str =
Expand All @@ -486,7 +489,7 @@ changeNewDB ::
-> RIO env ()
changeNewDB cmds new_db = do
new_db' <- adjustOldFileStylePackageDB new_db
createDirectoryIfMissing True (location new_db')
prjSomeBase (createDirIfMissing True) (location new_db')
changeDBDir' cmds new_db'

changeDBDir' ::
Expand All @@ -500,10 +503,12 @@ changeDBDir' cmds db = do
GhcPkg.DbOpenReadWrite lock -> liftIO $ GhcPkg.unlockPackageDb lock
do_cmd (RemovePackage p) = do
let file = location db </> display (installedUnitId p) <.> "conf"
let relFileConf =
fromJust (parseRelFile $ display (installedUnitId p) <> ".conf")
file = mapSomeBase (P.</> relFileConf) (location db)
[ "Removing"
, style File (fromString file)
, pretty file
removeFileSafe file

Expand All @@ -512,7 +517,8 @@ unregisterPackages ::
=> Path Abs Dir
-- ^ Path to the global package database.
-> [PackageArg]
-> String
-> Path Abs Dir
-- ^ Path to the package database.
-> RIO env ()
unregisterPackages globalDb pkgargs pkgDb = do
pkgsByPkgDBs <- F.foldlM (getPkgsByPkgDBs []) [] pkgargs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -601,7 +607,7 @@ matchesPkg :: PackageArg -> InstalledPackageInfo -> Bool
(Substring _ m) `matchesPkg` pkg = m (display (mungedId pkg))

-- removeFileSave doesn't throw an exceptions, if the file is already deleted
removeFileSafe :: FilePath -> RIO env ()
removeFileSafe :: SomeBase File -> RIO env ()
removeFileSafe fn = do
removeFile fn `catchIO` \ e ->
prjSomeBase removeFile fn `catchIO` \ e ->
unless (isDoesNotExistError e) $ liftIO $ ioError e

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