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Merge pull request #6451 from commercialhaskell/fix5974
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Fix #5974 If new Cabal copy is available, use it
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mpilgrem authored Jan 25, 2024
2 parents 447fa45 + a9b20d7 commit 4914a58
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Showing 3 changed files with 77 additions and 91 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ Behavior changes:
* If Stack's `--resolver` option is not specified, Stack's `unpack` command with
a package name will seek to update the package index before seeking to
download the most recent version of the package in the index.
* If the version of Cabal (the library) provided with the specified GHC can copy
specific components, Stack will copy only the components built and will not
build all executable components at least once.

Other enhancements:

Expand Down
68 changes: 12 additions & 56 deletions doc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -972,88 +972,44 @@ end up including the helloworld-test component as well.

You can bypass this implicit adding of components by being much more explicit,
and stating the components directly. For example, the following will not build
the `helloworld-exe` executable once all executables have been successfully
the `helloworld-exe` executable:

stack clean
stack purge
stack build :helloworld-test
Building all executables for `helloworld' once. After a successful build of all of them, only specified executables will be rebuilt.
helloworld> configure (lib + exe + test)
helloworld> configure (lib + test)
Configuring helloworld-
helloworld> build (lib + exe + test) with ghc-x.y.z
helloworld> build (lib + test) with ghc-9.6.4
Preprocessing library for helloworld-
Building library for helloworld-
[1 of 2] Compiling Lib
[2 of 2] Compiling Paths_helloworld
Preprocessing executable 'helloworld-exe' for helloworld-
Building executable 'helloworld-exe' for helloworld-
[1 of 2] Compiling Main
[2 of 2] Compiling Paths_helloworld
Linking .stack-work\dist\<hash>\build\helloworld-exe\helloworld-exe.exe ...
Preprocessing test suite 'helloworld-test' for helloworld-
Building test suite 'helloworld-test' for helloworld-
[1 of 2] Compiling Main
[2 of 2] Compiling Paths_helloworld
Linking .stack-work\dist\<hash>\build\helloworld-test\helloworld-test.exe ...
[3 of 3] Linking .stack-work\dist\<hash>\build\helloworld-test\helloworld-test.exe
helloworld> copy/register
Installing library in ...\helloworld\.stack-work\install\...
Installing executable helloworld-exe in ...\helloworld\.stack-work\install\...\bin
Registering library for helloworld-
helloworld> test (suite: helloworld-test)
Test suite not yet implemented
helloworld> Test suite helloworld-test passed
Completed 2 action(s).

We first cleaned our project to clear old results so we know exactly what Stack
is trying to do. Note that it says it is building all executables for
`helloworld` once, and that after a successful build of all of them, only
specified executables will be rebuilt. If we change the source code of
`test/Spec.hs`, say to:

main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn "Test suite still not yet implemented"

and command again:

stack build :helloworld-test
helloworld- unregistering (local file changes: test\Spec.hs)
helloworld> build (lib + test) with ghc-x.y.z
Preprocessing library for helloworld-
Building library for helloworld-
Preprocessing test suite 'helloworld-test' for helloworld-
Building test suite 'helloworld-test' for helloworld-
[2 of 2] Compiling Main
Linking .stack-work\dist\<hash>\build\helloworld-test\helloworld-test.exe ...
helloworld> copy/register
Installing library in ...\helloworld\.stack-work\install\...
Installing executable helloworld-exe in ...\helloworld\.stack-work\install\...\bin
Registering library for helloworld-
helloworld> blocking for directory lock on ...\helloworld\.stack-work\dist\<hash>\build-lock
helloworld> test (suite: helloworld-test)
Test suite still not yet implemented
helloworld> Test suite helloworld-test passed
Completed 2 action(s).

Notice that this time it builds the `helloworld-test` test suite, and the
`helloworld` library (since it's used by the test suite), but it does not build
the `helloworld-exe` executable.
We first purged our project to clear old results so we know exactly what Stack
is trying to do.

And now the final point: in both cases, the last line shows that our command
also *runs* the test suite it just built. This may surprise some people who
would expect tests to only be run when using `stack test`, but this design
decision is what allows the `stack build` command to be as composable as it is
(as described previously). The same rule applies to benchmarks. To spell it out
The last line shows that our command also *runs* the test suite it just built.
This may surprise some people who would expect tests to only be run when using
`stack test`, but this design decision is what allows the `stack build` command
to be as composable as it is (as described previously). The same rule applies to
benchmarks. To spell it out completely:

* The `--test` and `--bench` flags simply state which components of a package
should be built, if no explicit set of components is given
Expand Down
97 changes: 62 additions & 35 deletions src/Stack/Build/ExecutePackage.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ import Stack.Types.ConfigureOpts
import Stack.Types.Curator ( Curator (..) )
import Stack.Types.DumpPackage ( DumpPackage (..) )
import Stack.Types.EnvConfig
( HasEnvConfig (..), actualCompilerVersionL
( EnvConfig (..), HasEnvConfig (..), actualCompilerVersionL
, appropriateGhcColorFlag
import Stack.Types.EnvSettings ( EnvSettings (..) )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -362,6 +362,10 @@ singleBuild
= do
cabalVersion <- view $ envConfigL . to (.compilerPaths.cabalVersion)
-- The old version of Cabal (the library) copy did not allow the components
-- to be copied to be specified.
let isOldCabalCopy = cabalVersion < mkVersion [2, 0]
(allDepsMap, cache) <-
getConfigCache ee task installedMap enableTests enableBenchmarks
let bcoSnapInstallRoot = ee.baseConfigOpts.snapInstallRoot
Expand All @@ -371,7 +375,7 @@ singleBuild
Just precompiled -> copyPreCompiled ee task pkgId precompiled
Nothing -> do
curator <- view $ buildConfigL . to (.curator)
realConfigAndBuild cache curator allDepsMap
realConfigAndBuild isOldCabalCopy cache curator allDepsMap
case minstalled of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just installed -> do
Expand All @@ -395,7 +399,7 @@ singleBuild
enableTests = buildingFinals && any isCTest (taskComponents task)
enableBenchmarks = buildingFinals && any isCBench (taskComponents task)

annSuffix executableBuildStatuses =
annSuffix isOldCabalCopy executableBuildStatuses =
if result == "" then "" else " (" <> result <> ")"
result = T.intercalate " + " $ concat
Expand All @@ -410,18 +414,18 @@ singleBuild
let package = lp.package
hasLibrary = hasBuildableMainLibrary package
hasSubLibraries = not $ null package.subLibraries
hasExecutables =
not . Set.null $ exesToBuild executableBuildStatuses lp
hasExecutables = not . Set.null $
exesToBuild isOldCabalCopy executableBuildStatuses lp
in (hasLibrary, hasSubLibraries, hasExecutables)
-- This isn't true, but we don't want to have this info for upstream deps.
_ -> (False, False, False)

realConfigAndBuild cache mcurator allDepsMap =
realConfigAndBuild isOldCabalCopy cache mcurator allDepsMap =
withSingleContext ac ee task.taskType allDepsMap Nothing $
\package cabalFP pkgDir cabal0 announce _outputType -> do
let cabal = cabal0 CloseOnException
executableBuildStatuses <- getExecutableBuildStatuses package pkgDir
when ( not (cabalIsSatisfied executableBuildStatuses)
when ( not (cabalIsSatisfied isOldCabalCopy executableBuildStatuses)
&& taskIsTarget task
) $
Expand All @@ -437,7 +441,7 @@ singleBuild
( announce
( "configure"
<> display (annSuffix executableBuildStatuses)
<> display (annSuffix isOldCabalCopy executableBuildStatuses)
Expand All @@ -459,7 +463,7 @@ singleBuild
(True, _) | null ac.downstream -> pure Nothing
(_, True) | null ac.downstream || installedMapHasThisPkg -> do
initialBuildSteps executableBuildStatuses cabal announce
initialBuildSteps isOldCabalCopy executableBuildStatuses cabal announce
pure Nothing
_ -> fulfillCuratorBuildExpectations
Expand All @@ -468,25 +472,27 @@ singleBuild
(Just <$>
realBuild cache package pkgDir cabal0 announce executableBuildStatuses)
realBuild isOldCabalCopy cache package pkgDir cabal0 announce executableBuildStatuses)

initialBuildSteps executableBuildStatuses cabal announce = do
initialBuildSteps isOldCabalCopy executableBuildStatuses cabal announce = do
( "initial-build-steps"
<> display (annSuffix executableBuildStatuses)
<> display (annSuffix isOldCabalCopy executableBuildStatuses)
cabal KeepTHLoading ["repl", "stack-initial-build-steps"]

realBuild ::
-- ^ Is Cabal copy limited to all libraries and executables?
-> ConfigCache
-> Package
-> Path Abs Dir
-> (KeepOutputOpen -> ExcludeTHLoading -> [String] -> RIO env ())
-> (Utf8Builder -> RIO env ())
-- ^ A plain 'announce' function
-> Map Text ExecutableBuildStatus
-> RIO env Installed
realBuild cache package pkgDir cabal0 announce executableBuildStatuses = do
realBuild isOldCabalCopy cache package pkgDir cabal0 announce executableBuildStatuses = do
let cabal = cabal0 CloseOnException
wc <- view $ actualCompilerVersionL . whichCompilerL

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -542,7 +548,7 @@ singleBuild
actualCompiler <- view actualCompilerVersionL
() <- announce
( "build"
<> display (annSuffix executableBuildStatuses)
<> display (annSuffix isOldCabalCopy executableBuildStatuses)
<> " with "
<> display actualCompiler
Expand All @@ -551,16 +557,20 @@ singleBuild
let stripTHLoading
| config.hideTHLoading = ExcludeTHLoading
| otherwise = KeepTHLoading
cabal stripTHLoading (("build" :) $ (++ extraOpts) $
case (task.taskType, task.allInOne, isFinalBuild) of
(_, True, True) -> throwM AllInOneBuildBug
(TTLocalMutable lp, False, False) ->
primaryComponentOptions executableBuildStatuses lp
(TTLocalMutable lp, False, True) -> finalComponentOptions lp
(TTLocalMutable lp, True, False) ->
primaryComponentOptions executableBuildStatuses lp
++ finalComponentOptions lp
(TTRemotePackage{}, _, _) -> [])
(buildOpts, copyOpts) <-
case (task.taskType, task.allInOne, isFinalBuild) of
(_, True, True) -> throwM AllInOneBuildBug
(TTLocalMutable lp, False, False) ->
let componentOpts =
primaryComponentOptions isOldCabalCopy executableBuildStatuses lp
in pure (componentOpts, componentOpts)
(TTLocalMutable lp, False, True) -> pure (finalComponentOptions lp, [])
(TTLocalMutable lp, True, False) ->
let componentOpts =
primaryComponentOptions isOldCabalCopy executableBuildStatuses lp
in pure (componentOpts <> finalComponentOptions lp, componentOpts)
(TTRemotePackage{}, _, _) -> pure ([], [])
cabal stripTHLoading ("build" : buildOpts <> extraOpts)
`catch` \ex -> case ex of
CabalExitedUnsuccessfully{} ->
postBuildCheck False >> prettyThrowM ex
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -613,7 +623,8 @@ singleBuild
&& (hasLibrary || hasSubLibraries || hasExecutables)
when shouldCopy $ withMVar ee.installLock $ \() -> do
announce "copy/register"
eres <- try $ cabal KeepTHLoading ["copy"]
let copyArgs = "copy" : if isOldCabalCopy then [] else copyOpts
eres <- try $ cabal KeepTHLoading copyArgs
case eres of
Left err@CabalExitedUnsuccessfully{} ->
throwM $ CabalCopyFailed
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1249,10 +1260,12 @@ extraBuildOptions wc bopts = do

-- Library, sub-library, foreign library and executable build components.
primaryComponentOptions ::
Map Text ExecutableBuildStatus
-- ^ Is Cabal copy limited to all libraries and executables?
-> Map Text ExecutableBuildStatus
-> LocalPackage
-> [String]
primaryComponentOptions executableBuildStatuses lp =
primaryComponentOptions isOldCabalCopy executableBuildStatuses lp =
-- TODO: get this information from target parsing instead, which will allow
-- users to turn off library building if desired
( if hasBuildableMainLibrary package
Expand All @@ -1268,7 +1281,7 @@ primaryComponentOptions executableBuildStatuses lp =
(getBuildableListText package.subLibraries)
++ map
(T.unpack . T.append "exe:")
(Set.toList $ exesToBuild executableBuildStatuses lp)
(Set.toList $ exesToBuild isOldCabalCopy executableBuildStatuses lp)
package = lp.package

Expand All @@ -1284,15 +1297,29 @@ primaryComponentOptions executableBuildStatuses lp =
-- behavior below that we build all executables once (modulo success), and
-- thereafter pay attention to user-wanted components.
exesToBuild :: Map Text ExecutableBuildStatus -> LocalPackage -> Set Text
exesToBuild executableBuildStatuses lp =
if cabalIsSatisfied executableBuildStatuses && lp.wanted
-- * The Cabal bug was fixed, in that the copy command of later Cabal versions
-- allowed components to be specified. Consequently, Cabal may be satisified,
-- even if all of a package's executables have not yet been built.
exesToBuild ::
-- ^ Is Cabal copy limited to all libraries and executables?
-> Map Text ExecutableBuildStatus
-> LocalPackage
-> Set Text
exesToBuild isOldCabalCopy executableBuildStatuses lp =
if cabalIsSatisfied isOldCabalCopy executableBuildStatuses && lp.wanted
then exeComponents lp.components
else buildableExes lp.package

-- | Do the current executables satisfy Cabal's bugged out requirements?
cabalIsSatisfied :: Map k ExecutableBuildStatus -> Bool
cabalIsSatisfied = all (== ExecutableBuilt) . Map.elems
-- | Do the current executables satisfy Cabal's requirements?
cabalIsSatisfied ::
-- ^ Is Cabal copy limited to all libraries and executables?
-> Map k ExecutableBuildStatus
-> Bool
cabalIsSatisfied False _ = True
cabalIsSatisfied True executableBuildStatuses =
all (== ExecutableBuilt) $ Map.elems executableBuildStatuses

-- Test-suite and benchmark build components.
finalComponentOptions :: LocalPackage -> [String]
Expand Down

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