TopRated10Films is a native android movie app for create Top 10 movies in desired category, written in Kotlin using Jetpack Compose with themoviedb api.
- Ux π§ͺ
Application - Features β
- One time animated splash screen
- Search
- Paging
- Nested navigation
- Watchlist db
- Language - English
Tech-stack βοΈ
- Kotlin + Coroutines - perform background operation
- Jetpack
- Compose - toolkit for building native UI
- Navigation - deal with whole in-app navigation
- ViewModel - store and manage UI-related data in a lifecycle conscious way
- Retrofit - HTTP client
- Coil - image loading library
- Paging - load and display pages from a remote server.
- Room - database object mapping
- Accompanist
- navigationAnimation
- pager
- systemUi
- Hilt - DI
- Material 3 - design
Architecture ποΈ
- Model-View-ViewModel
- Android Architecture components (ViewModel, Navigation)
Todo βοΈ
- Shimmer Effect βοΈ
- Movie Details βοΈ
- by Country β
- Different Screen Sizes and Orientation β
- Light Theme β
- Turkish Language β