A Plone add-on that manage organizations and functions, leading to corresponding plone groups creation. This product makes the link between:
- collective.contact.core : organization definition containing your organization services (multiple levels)
- dexterity.localrolesfield : field presenting a list of services for which a local role can be given
First, create a directory in your site (object from collective.contact.core). This directory will contain all the informations related to your contacts.
You can then add your organization in it (with a specific id equal to 'plonegroup-organization'). An organization can contain organizations (such as services, divisions or department).
In the collective.contact.plonegroup configuration panel, you have to :
- select some services of your organization to be used in localroles field
- define some function labels that will be used in each selected organization
When submitting, for each organization - function combination, a plone group is created with the id "organization-uid"_"function-id" and name "organizations-name" ("function-name").
The generated plone groups will be used in localroles field, where some local roles can be given to some function for each selected service.
- Add collective.contact.plonegroup to your eggs.
- Re-run buildout.
- Install the product in your plone site.
Have an idea? Found a bug? Let us know by opening a ticket.