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This library includes types and util functions that are reused in multiple coh3 related projects.

Get started

  • Install dependencies: yarn


  • make sure files are build using yarn build
  • Commit changes
  • To use the new components in other projects, create a tag on the newest commit
  • Add the package to the dependencies list in the project in the package.json file
"dependencies": {
    "coh3-data-types-library": "github:cohstats/coh3-data-types-library#<ENTER TAG HERE>"


"dependencies": {
    "coh3-data-types-library": "github:cohstats/coh3-data-types-library#0.0.1"
  • Install the package with yarn

Testing scripts

  • npm run typecheck – checks validity of types
  • npm run lint – lints package code
  • npm run jest – package unit tests
  • npm run prettier:test – checks package code formatting