This bundle provides commands for creating, inspecting, and controlling S3 buckets and objects (referred to as files in this bundle) on AWS. To communicate with the AWS API we use the aws-sdk library written in Ruby. Permissions are used to control which users are authorized to run each command. Listing and reading buckets and files requires the s3:read permission. Modifying the state or other values of buckets and files requires the s3:write permission. And, deleting buckets and files requires the s3:admin permission.
To view more information about the bundle and the documentation for each command use Cog's help command:
For bundle information:
help s3
For specific command information:
help s3:file-create
- AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - Requried ID of the access key used to authenticate with the AWS API
- AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - Required secret of the access key used to authenticate with the AWS API
- AWS_REGION - Optional region used for all commands unless one is provided via the -r,--region flag
You can set these environment variables with Cog's dynamic config feature:
echo 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "WQ9b84VDvE5dJhs2SdOdEgO8ZpAIbuzBlb6ZCGkQ"' >> config.yaml
echo 'AWS_REGION: us-east-1' >> config.yaml
cogctl dynamic-config create s3 config.yaml
When creating the access key for use with the following environment variables, make sure the IAM user that owns the key has the AmazonS3FullAccess policy.
Build a new image:
VERSION=0.1.0 make build
Push a new image to DockerHub:
VERSION=0.1.0 make push
Cut a new release (build, push, and tag on GitHub):
VERSION=0.1.0 make release