Add as extension to organization or user level
Extract release attached asset dist.tar.gz
and use content of index.js
extracted in custom script in the organization
- Name (General) - This field should not be blank.
- Show Name (General) - This should be toggled off.
- Question (General) - This field should not be blank. Text should also be bold (**) or an H3 tag (###).
- Defined Number of Attempts (Grading) - This should be toggled off.
- Show Expected Answer (Grading) - This should be set to “After 2”.
- Rationale (Grading) - This field should not be blank. Any code blocks (```) should have “-hide-clipboard”.
- Bloom’s Level (Metadata) - This field should not be blank.
- Learning Objectives (Metadata) - This field should not be blank, and it should start with “SWBAT”.
- Tags (Content and Category)(Metadata) - This field should not be blank.
- Shuffle Answers (Execution) - This should be toggled on.
- Text (Execution) - This should not be blank, and there should be at least one <<< and >>> pair.
- Show Possible Values (Execution) - This should be toggled on.
- Code to Become Blocks (Execution) - This should not be blank.
- Show Feedback (Execution) - This should be checked.
- Command (Execution) - This should not be blank.
- Reading question - page should contain an assessment(except for the "Learning Objective" pages)
- Text - text should not be empty(less than 25 chars)
- Code segments - page should contains code segment or code block(except for the "Learning Objective" pages)
- Subtitles - page should contain subtitles(except for the "Learning Objective" pages)
- Broken resource - links for external resources should exist
- Image alt text - should not be blank or equal image name
- Special words - page should not contain "TBD", "TODO", "Links for content team"
- Pages - The assignment should contain more than 2 student pages
"Learning Objective" page - page that contains "Learning Objective" in the title