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Releases: codex-semantics-library/patricia-tree


27 Jan 09:19
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  • Add some reflexive_equal and reflexive_compare functions
  • Add min_binding_inter for maps, min_elt_inter for sets and their max counterparts
  • Add difference and symmetric_difference function to maps (and add difference to WithForeign)
  • Add diff functions to sets
  • Internal refactor.


01 Jun 10:07
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Main changes

  • Added hash-consed nodes and functors to build hash-consed maps and sets.
  • Added new functions fold_on_nonequal_inter and fold_on_nonequal_union to maps.
  • Now support using negative keys, removed zarith dependency.
  • Fixed some bugs

Detailed changes

Breaking changes:

  • Renamed MakeCustom to MakeCustomMap, added new functor MakeCustomSet.
    MakeCustomMap changed to take a new argument to specify the 'a value type.
  • Renamed MakeCustomHeterogeneous to MakeCustomHeterogeneousMap, added new functor
  • Renamed NODE_WITH_ID.get_id to NODE_WITH_ID.to_int, this allows using
    instances NODE_WITH_ID directly as a KEY.
  • Renamed VALUE to HETEROGENEOUS_VALUE, added a VALUE module type (previously unnamed).
  • Renamed min_binding, max_binding, pop_minimum, pop_maximum, min_elt
    and max_elt to unsigned_min_binding, unsigned_max_binding,
    pop_unsigned_minimum, pop_unsigned_maximum, unsigned_min_elt
    and unsigned_max_elt respectively, to clarify that these functions consider
    negative numbers as larger than positive ones.

New features:

  • Added new interface MAP_WITH_VALUE which is the same as MAP but with a custom
    type 'a value instead of just 'a.
  • Added HashconsedNode, HashconsedSetNode as well as four functors to create
    hash-consed heterogeneous/homogeneous maps/sets: MakeHashconsedMap, MakeHashconsedSet,
    MakeHashconsedHeterogeneousMap and MakeHashconsedHeterogeneousSet.
  • Now support using negative keys. Trees are built using the bitwise representation
    of integer, meaning they effectively use an unsigned order. Negative keys are
    considered bigger than positive keys, 0 is the minimal number and -1 the maximal one.
  • Added new functions fold_on_nonequal_inter and fold_on_nonequal_union to maps.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where NodeWithId wasn't incrementing ids properly
  • zarith is no longer a dependency, used GCC's __builtin_clz as a faster
    method of finding an integer's highest bit.
  • Fixed a bug where pop_minimum and pop_maximum could throw a private exception
    Dissappeared when using WeakNode.
  • Fixed a possible assertion error when using idempotent_subset_domain_forall2
    with WeakNode.
  • Fix compilation warnings when compiling on ocaml 5.2.


18 Apr 14:36
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  • Initial release of Patricia Tree