Detects eye movements and alerts when the object is drowsy
This can be used by riders who tend to drive for a longer period of time that may lead to accidents
The example code is in Python (version 2.7 or higher will work).
$ git clone
$ cd drowsiness-detection
$ pip install virtualenv
$ virtualenv drowsiness_detection_venv
$ cd drowsiness_detection_venv
$ source Scripts/activate
$ Scripts/activate
- import cv2 (comes under opencv-python library)
- import imutils
- import scipy
- import dlib
If you want to run through Jupiter Notebook :
- install ipykernel
dlib library has some prerequisites such as Cmake and some C++ libraries. These prerequisites are essential otherwise the programme may throw RUN TIME ERRORS.
For Windows : Refer Here
For Mac and Linux : Refer Here
Go through the instructions in the above link and complete them first or else the below installation may throw errors
$ cd ..
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Be patient it may take some time.
After activating the virtual environment run :
$ python
We can run the programme for live detection or even for a given video file (.avi file).
after running the programme
press 0 for live detection.
press 1 to input a video file
Enter the path :
example path:(D:\Videos\testfile.avi)
The input video file must be of .avi format
A computer vision system that can automatically detect driver drowsiness in a real-time video stream and then play an alarm if the driver appears to be drowsy.
Each eye is represented by 6 (x, y)-coordinates, starting at the left-corner of the eye (as if you were looking at the person), and then working clockwise around the eye:.
It checks 20 consecutive frames and if the Eye Aspect ratio is less than 0.25, Alert is generated.
For more information, Click Here
First create an issue if you want to add new feauture or want to improve existing code. After that create a Pull Request.
Make a folder named after Test
, if the code is platform specific then please create subfolder named to that Operating system within that language folder. For example Test/Linux
. Add in it telling about compilation, installing dependencies and some screenshots of the updates.
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Dhruba Jyoti Chakraborty 💻 |