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This branch is 16 commits ahead of JuliaAttic/FactCheck.jl:master.

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A test framework for Julia

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FactCheck FactCheck

FactCheck.jl is a Julia testing framework inspired by the Midje library for Clojure. It aims to add more functionality over the basic Base.Test.

MIT Licensed - see

Installation: julia> Pkg.add("FactCheck")

Note: The => syntax has been deprecated in v0.3, use --> going forward.

Note: FactCheck produces colored output, but only if you run Julia with the --color=yes option, e.g. julia --color=yes test/runtests.jl


Tests in FactCheck should be placed inside a facts block. It can be called with or without a description:

using FactCheck

facts("With a description") do
    # Your tests here

facts() do
    # Your tests here

Related facts can also be grouped as a context inside a facts block:

facts("Lots of tests") do
    context("First group") do
        # ...
    context("Second group") do
        # ...

As for the tests themselves, you can use FactCheck to do basic assertions like you would with Base.Test using @fact and @fact_throws:

facts("Testing basics") do
    @fact 1 --> 1
    @fact 2*2 --> 4
    @fact uppercase("foo") --> "FOO"
    @fact_throws 2^-1
    @fact_throws DomainError 2^-1
    @fact_throws DomainError 2^-1 "a nifty message"
    @fact 2*[1,2,3] --> [2,4,6]

You can provide custom error messages as a second argument, e.g.

facts("Messages") do
    x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    y = [4, 2, 3, 1]
    for i in 1:4
        @fact x[i] --> y[i] "mismatch at i=$i"


  Failure :: (line:505) :: mismatch at i=1 :: fact was false
    Expression: x[i] --> y[i]
      Expected: 1
      Occurred: 4
  Failure :: (line:505) :: mismatch at i=4 :: fact was false
    Expression: x[i] --> y[i]
      Expected: 4
      Occurred: 1
# ...

Finally, if you have an idea for a test you want to implement but haven't yet, you can using @pending. @pending doesn't attempt to check its assertion, or even evaluate the expression, it simply records that a pending test exists.

facts("Some pending") do
    @fact 2*3 --> 6
    @pending divide(2,3) --> :something


Some pending
Out of 2 total facts:
  Verified: 1
  Pending:  1


A FactCheck --> is more general than the == of Base.Test.@test. We refer to the value to the left of the --> as the expression, and the value to the right of as the assertion. If the assertion is a literal value, like 1, "FOO", or [2,4,6], then @fact checks if the expression is equal to the assertion. However if the assertion is a function, then function will be applied to the expression, e.g.

@fact 2 --> iseven equivalent to...
@fact iseven(2) --> true

@fact Int[] --> isempty equivalent to...
@fact isempty(Int[]) --> true

FactCheck provides several helper functions to make more complicated assertions:


Logical not for literal values and functions.

@fact 1 --> not(2)
# is equivalent to
@fact (1 != 2) --> true

@fact 1 --> not(iseven)
# is equivalent to
@fact !iseven(1) --> true


Test equality in the same way that do. For example, two distinct objects with the same values are not exactly the same e.g.

a = [1,2,3]
b = [1,2,3]
@fact a --> b
@fact a --> not(exactly(b))


Test approximate equality of numbers and arrays of numbers using Base.isapprox, and accepts same keyword arguments as that function. If a second argument is provided, but no keyword, it is treated as atol.

@fact 2 + 1e-5 --> roughly(2.0)
@fact 9.5 --> roughly(10; atol=1.0)
A = [2.0, 3.0]
B = (1 + 1e-6)*A
@fact A --> roughly(B)





Test inequality relationships between numbers.

@fact 1 --> less_than(2)
@fact 1 --> less_than_or_equal(1)
@fact 2 --> greater_than(1)
@fact 2 --> greater_than_or_equal(2)


Test equality with any of the arguments to anyof

@fact 2+2 --> anyof(4, :four, "four")
@fact 5   --> not(anyof(:five, "five"))

Exit status

When a program ends it returns an exit status. This is used by other programs to figure out how a program ended. For example, Travis CI looks at Julia exit code to determine if your tests passed or failed. Because FactCheck catches all the test errors, it will return 0 even if a test fails. To address this you can use exitstatus() at the end of your tests. This will throw a error, so Julia terminates in an error state.

module MyPkgTests
    using FactCheck
    # Your tests...


FactCheck currently has one configuration option, for the output style. This can be set with FactCheck.setstyle(style). The default is :default, and the other option currently is :compact. To see the difference, consider the following code:

facts("Compact vs default") do
    @fact 1 --> 1
    @fact 2 --> 3
    @fact 3 --> 3
    @fact 4 --> 4
    @fact 5 --> 5

which produces the output

Compact vs default: .F...
  Failure :: (line:505) :: fact was false
    Expression: 2 --> 3
      Expected: 2
      Occurred: 3

The main difference is that single characters only are emitted as the tests run, with all errors only being displayed at the end.

Low memory situations

If you run into problems using FactCheck in low memory situations like Travis consider to activate the option only_stats. This will not store results during the testing and provides only statistics in the end. This can be set with FactCheck.onlystats(true).


You can run your tests simply by calling them from the command line, e.g. julia --color=yes test/runtests.jl, but another option is to place your tests in a module, e.g.

module MyPkgTests
    # Your tests...

then repeatedly reload your tests using reload, e.g. julia> reload("test/runtests")


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