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Full stack CRUD application to journal about life.

Link to project:

[Journal Life demo]

How It's Made:

Tech used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Express, Mongoose, Google Authentication, Morgan, Sessions, Passports, handlebars, moment.

This is a online journal where you can save public and private notes about your life. This was built using handlebars as the template tool for the site. Its uses Google authentication so that users have to login to use the app. Each session is saved in mongo atlas database. Materialize gives it the 'googley' type look.

Lessons Learned:

Some lessons I learned were: Using handlebars was a lot more intuitive for me than using EJS...and Google Auth also took me some time to navigate setting it up and how to operate the API through Google+...


Take a look at these couple examples that I have in my own portfolio:

Jeopardy Party:

Fashion Bros: