The purpose of this repository is to maintain every notes written by myself to learn rendering field.
Currently, i'm learning not only rendering-specific stuffs, but also relevant fields such as machine learning, signal processing and computer networks.
The repository is composed of each of the sub-fields.
- rendering
- Rendering subdirectory include four main fields
- physically based rendering
- implementation with api (I'm only using Vulkan API now)
- realtime rendering (based on RTR book)
- papers (largely from NVidia pulications)
- Rendering subdirectory include four main fields
- machine learning
- notes for machine learning. I didn't organize this directory yet, but will push many things that i learned from ML course in last semester.
- signal processing
- notes for signal processing. I think Fourier transform will be very useful when i handle the physics stuff in photorealistic rendering and model light simulation. That's why i'm managing this field either.
- cpp-lang
- notes for C++ language features
- algorithms
- notes for traditional algorithms such as DFS/BFS, dynamic programming, Graph theory and so on.
제가 공부를 하며 항상 느끼는 것은 렌더링 분야에 대한 양질의 한국어 자료를 찾기 어렵다는 것이었습니다. 때문에, 작게나마 논문 번역 및 API 사용법들을 한국어로 번역하며 렌더링 분야를 공부하는 저와 같은 학부생 분들께 도움이 되고자 합니다.
현재 진행중인 프로젝트는 Reservoir Based SpatioTemporal Importance Resampling 논문을 번역하며 제가 이해한 방식으로 주석을 추가하는 프로젝트입니다. 해당 논문에 관심이 있으신 분들의 기여는 언제든지 환영이며, 역자 주석에 대해 피드백이 있으신 분들 또한 Pull request를 남겨주시면 감사하겠습니다.