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Repository for our blog post "Specification-Based API Mocking, Simulation, and Testing with Microcks"

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Definition-Based API Mocking, Simulation, and Testing with Microcks - Demo Application


This codecentric demo application accompanies a blog series about Microcks, and illustrates the tool's usage for API mocking and testing on the basis of API definitions expressed with OpenAPI. We rely on Testcontainers to run the mock operations and execute tests against it leveraging REST-assured. This approach allows for consistent and automated integration testing both local and in CI/CD pipelines.

In addition, this demo comprises a module that implements an example API to the extent that it can serve for Microcks-based contract testing.

Illustrated Microcks Features

By means of the example API, we are able to showcase several of Microcks' core features:

Running the Example for Microcks-Based Integration Testing

The example requires Maven and Java 21 or greater. Its implementation resides in the integration-tests module and comprises a test suite with a total of 14 REST-assured API tests which are executed against a Microcks testcontainer, whose preparation routine is implemented in the InfrastructureSetup class.

To spin up the testcontainer and execute the tests, run mvn clean test either from the directory in which the root pom.xml file resides or, alternatively, from the module's sub-directory with the module's own pom.xml.

Running the Example for Interactive Contract Testing with Microcks

In order to leverage Microcks and the prepared example API for interactive contract testing, first start the example API's demo implementation by issuing the terminal command mvn spring-boot:run from within the directory of the api-implementation-app module.

Next, start the Microcks testcontainer from either the demo's root directory or the integration-tests sub-directory with the terminal command mvn clean test -Dtest="InfrastructureSetup". This command causes the application to pause after container start and also prints the URI at which the UI of the Microcks server running inside the container is reachable from a local browser.

With both the example API's demo implementation and Microcks server running, it becomes possible to leverage Microcks for the API's contract testing following these steps in the Microcks UI:

  1. Create a new conformance test.
  2. Specify http://host.testcontainers.internal:${PORT} as Test Endpoint with ${PORT} being replaced by the port of the example API's demo implementation that was previously started (8081 by default). http://host.testcontainers.internal is Testcontainers's base URI to enable access from a container (here: the Microcks server) to services running on the host (here: the example API's demo implementation).
  3. Choose OPEN API SCHEMA as test Runner.
  4. Open the advanced options and Add Headers to the mocked API operations as follows (for details, see the example API's description):
    • GET /customer_kinds:
      • Name: api_key
      • Value: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJBUElNb2NrIiwiaWF0IjoxNzIxMzY5MjQyLCJleHAiOjE3MjEzNjk1NDJ9.UqlkO_qW71spEEBZdJb6Oxe0j71U6_7Kdv6UotTbJUE
        (see the api_key_token property in the root pom.xml).
    • GET /customer_kinds/{id}:
      • Name: api_key
      • Value: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJBUElNb2NrIiwiaWF0IjoxNzIxMzY5MjQyLCJleHAiOjE3MjEzNjk1NDJ9.UqlkO_qW71spEEBZdJb6Oxe0j71U6_7Kdv6UotTbJUE
        (see the api_key_token property in the root pom.xml).
    • POST /login:
      • Name: api_key
      • Value: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJBUElNb2NrIiwiaWF0IjoxNzIxMzY5MjQyLCJleHAiOjE3MjEzNjk1NDJ9.UqlkO_qW71spEEBZdJb6Oxe0j71U6_7Kdv6UotTbJUE
        (see the api_key_token property in the root pom.xml).
    • GET /customer:
      • Name: customer_token
      • Value: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJBUElNb2NrIiwiZW1haWwiOiJzb21lX2N1c3RvbWVyQGV4YW1wbGUub3JnIn0.7TECmPgKMLftw2kK_CncM_AK0r7HAY7AmkV0y7qSA5Y
        (see the some_customer_token property in the root pom.xml).
  5. Launch the test and observe that the API fulfills its expected contract with a score of ca. 66%. That is because the ìnvalid_credentials tests for the POST /login and GET /customer operations fail. The rationales of these test failures are (i) POST /login currently returning HTTP 400 BAD REQUEST instead of 401 UNAUTHORIZED for empty request bodies; and (ii) GET /customer returning HTTP 200 OK instead of 401 UNAUTHORIZED as Microcks currently only allows for specifying headers for tested operations as a whole and not operation-specific test cases (see the example API's description for details about header semantics of GET /customer).

The Example API

The demo application comprises an OpenAPI definition for an example API that is loaded into started Microcks testcontainers and accompanied by examples from a dedicated Postman collection.

Disclaimer: We discovered this API in the wild, and found it quite coherent, understandable, and therefore suitable to illustrate some of Microcks' core features. However, it also bears some potential for optimization and does not reflect a style of API design that we would advise.

The example API is rooted in the domain of Customer Relationship Management and provides the following operations:

  • GET /customer_kinds
    Retrieve information about the supported kinds of customers. For its execution, this operation expects a fixed API key in the form of a JSON Web Token (JWT) to be provided upon calling the operation as value for the HTTP
  • header field api_key. An example response to a valid operation call looks as follows:
  "1": "Private person",
  "2": "Commercial enterprise",
  "3": "Public institution"
  • GET /customer_kinds/{id}
    Retrieve information about a certain supported kind of customer. For this purpose, the operation expects the same API key token as GET /customer_kinds in the HTTP header field api_key. Invoking the operation for the customer kind with ID 3 could yield the following response:
  "id": "3",
  "kind": "Public institution",
  "createdOn": "12.07.2024 12:32:59",
  "updatedOn": ""
  • POST /login
    Log in a customer or other user. This operation requires the API key token in the same fashion as GET /customer_kinds and GET /customer_kinds/{id} and returns a user-specific JWT for use with operations that implement user-specific behavior, e.g., GET /customer (see below). The following listing shows a valid example request to the operation:
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "123456"

This request results in a response like

  "customer_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJBUElNb2NrIiwiZW1haWwiOiJzb21lX2N1c3RvbWVyQGV4YW1wbGUub3JnIn0.7TECmPgKMLftw2kK_CncM_AK0r7HAY7AmkV0y7qSA5Y"

whereas invalid credentials would result in an HTTP response with status code 401 UNAUTHORIZED and an empty body.

  • GET /customer
    This operation allows for the retrieval of a customer's details including first name, last name, and address. The customer is identified by submitting their specific login token (see the description of the POST /login operation) to the operation as a value for the HTTP header field customer_token. Assuming that a valid login token was submitted, the operation results in an HTTP response like
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "first_name": "Casey",
  "last_name": "Rice",
  "company_name": "",
  "address": "6377 Fallon Pine, North Emoryburgh, Anguilla"

whereas an invalid login token would lead to an HTTP response with status code 401 UNAUTHORIZED and an empty body.


Repository for our blog post "Specification-Based API Mocking, Simulation, and Testing with Microcks"






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