This repository contains an example project that accompanies a blog post outlining how to effectively use Dagster for data operations, focusing on reading and writing data with the proper use of resources and IO managers.
This project serves as a practical example demonstrating how to set up and utilize Dagster for data processing tasks, including:
- Structuring clean and maintainable Dagster pipelines.
- Reading and writing data efficiently.
- Utilizing resources and IO managers for flexible data operations.
The Makefile included simplifies the setup and execution of common tasks within the project.
To get started with this project, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd dagster-blogpost-repo
- Create a virtual environment:
make venv
source venv/bin/activate
- Install dependencies:
make install-pip-tools
make compile-dependencies
make install-dependencies-base
After installation, you can use the Makefile commands to interact with the project:
Get a proper .env file Rename
to .env or copy its content to a new file named.env
. -
Create a dagster_home folder
Create a new directory in root named
mkdir dagster_home
In this folder, dagster stores logs, historical runs, etc. Copy the absolute path to this folder into the .env
and put it next to DAGSTER_HOME=/your/path/to/dagster_home
- Start the locally hosted MinIO S3 instance via
docker compose up -d
In the CLI output you should see a section like
dagster-blogpost-repo-minio-1 | Status: 1 Online, 0 Offline.
dagster-blogpost-repo-minio-1 | S3-API:
The second S3-API link will open MINIO in your browser. Go ahead and fill in the MINIO_ROOT_USER
stored in your .env
Do not forget to tear the MinIO S3 Docker container down when you are done via
docker compose down
- Start the Dagster UI for development:
make dagster_ui
Once the Dagster UI is set-up you can access it in your browser and start jobs interactively. Of course you can start all of the jobs as well via the command line as follows
- Execute the preprocessing job:
make preprocessing_job
- Execute the training job:
make training_job
For a detailed explanation of each step and how to use Dagster for data operations, refer to the accompanying blog post.
We welcome contributions! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for any enhancements, bug fixes, or improvements.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
For any questions or comments about this project, please open an issue in the repository, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.