Supercharge your codebase with a single package that brings together the best code quality tools - Rector, Pint, PHPStan, PestPHP, and more. Write cleaner, more maintainable code with minimal setup.
Note: This package is currently compatible only with the Laravel framework 11 & 12.
Install the package as dev dependency:
composer require --dev codebuddyphp/codebuddy
Publish the assets:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Codebuddyphp\Codebuddy\CodebuddyServiceProvider" --tag="codebuddy-config" --force
Configure essential tools (like Rector, Pint, Phpstan, Pest, etc):
php artisan cb:configure
Find or fix codebase issues:
php artisan cb:review [--fix]
Get quick codebase insights:
php artisan cb:insights