Generates TypeScript definitions (d.ts) for Java/Kotlin model classes using reflection/asm that can be used for client-side type checking of API calls and responses.
All public getters are read by default, in a similar way to Jackson. Works with Java/Lombok/Kotlin data classes. Java records are not yet supported.
Using jvm2dts
requires that you include class paths of both the target project and jvm2dts
Java version must be at least 11
Example: java -classpath path/to/package jvm2dts.Main -exclude MyRegExp -cast MyClass=number,AnotherClass=string package1 package2 package3
Usage: <main class> [options]
-c, -cast
Comma-separated key=value map to make classnames matching the key into
specified value
Recursively look for classes from a location
-d, -data-only
Find only Kotlin data classes
Default: false
-e, -exclude
Excludes classes in the generation matching a Java RegExp pattern
Comma-separated list to filter out package names when using classesDir
Read more about setting class paths in Java
Converted TypeScript interfaces output from stdout and all errors are through stderr
Note: unreleased versions can also be obtained from
val jvm2dts by configurations.creating
repositories {
maven { url = uri("") }
dependencies {
tasks.register("types.ts") {
doLast {
val mainSource = sourceSets.main.get()
project.file("api/types.ts").writeText(ByteArrayOutputStream().use { out ->
project.javaexec {
standardOutput = out
jvmArgs = listOf("--add-exports=java.base/") // Java 16+ needs this
classpath = jvm2dts + sourceSets.main.get().runtimeClasspath
args("-exclude", ".*SuffixOfClassNameIDontWant|PrefixOfClassNameIDontWant.*",
"-cast", "MyNumericClass=number",
"-classesDir", "${project.buildDir}/classes/kotlin/main")
tasks.withType<KotlinCompile> { // or JavaCompile
Or depend directly on the source code (e.g. if Jitpack is down), add this to settings.gradle
sourceControl {
gitRepository("")) {
Then you can depend on a tagged version number, which Gradle will clone and build during building of your project.
While jvm2dts
can recursively walk through directories with -classesDir
parameter, this is not
the suggested mode of operation, as it might be necessary to maintain an exclusion list
parameter) against internal packages in the project. It is also susceptible to
Kotlin's internals which may change over time.
Most common use of this will be inside Gradle's build directories in a project:
// Gradle Kotlin DSL, Kotlin
"-classesDir ${project.buildDir}/classes/kotlin/main"
// Gradle Groovy, Java
"-classessDir " + project.buildDir + "/classes/java/main"
Because TypeScript reads definition files only at compile-time and discards them on runtime,
enums inside *.d.ts
will always be undefined - if you have enums, it is suggested to write
into a *.ts
file instead
jvm2dts can read Nullable annotations and will append ?
to the name of a variable.
JsonProperty (from com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-annotations)
can read JsonProperty annotations and uses reflection to obtain the value()
Similarly, getters annotated with JsonIgnore will be omitted.