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This package was developed to give you a quick start to communicate with the Zammad REST API. It is used to query the most common endpoints.

⚠️ This package is not designed as a replacement of the official Zammad REST API. See the documentation if you need further functionality. ⚠️

πŸ’‘ What is Zammad?

Zammad is a web-based open source helpdesk/customer support system with many features to manage customer communication.

πŸ›  Requirements

Package PHP Laravel Zammad
v12.0 ^8.2 - ^8.4 Laravel 12.0 βœ…
v11.0 ^8.2 - ^8.3 Laravel 11.0 βœ…
v3.0 8.2 Laravel 10.0 βœ…
v2.0 8.1 Laravel 9.0 βœ…
v1.0 8.0 Laravel 8.12 βœ…

βš™οΈ Installation

You can install the package via composer:

composer require codebar-ag/laravel-zammad

Add the following environment variables to your .env file:


πŸ”‘ Where can I find the token?

Go to your profile page in your Zammad application. In the tab Token Access you can create your token. Be sure to activate all rights you need.

πŸ‘‰ Make sure to activate HTTP Token Authentication in your system settings.

πŸ“ How to add dynamic ticket attributes?

  • Publish your configuration file (see chapter πŸ”§ Configuration file).
  • Add attributes to the ticket key:
'ticket' => [
    'note' => 'string',
    'additional_id' => 'integer',

πŸ— Usage

πŸ‘Ά User Resource

use CodebarAg\Zammad\Facades\Zammad;
 * Get the current authenticated user.
$user = Zammad::user()->me();
 * Show a list of users.
$users = Zammad::user()->list();
 * Search a single user.
$term = 'email:[email protected]';
$user = Zammad::user()->search($term);
 * Show a user by id.
$user = Zammad::user()->show(20);
 * Create a new user.
$data = [
    'firstname' => 'Max',
    'lastname' => 'Mustermann',
        'email' => '[email protected]',

$user = (new Zammad())->user()->create($data);
 * Update a existing user.
$data = [
    'firstname' => 'Max',
    'lastname' => 'Mustermann',

$user = (new Zammad())->user()->update($id, $data);
 * Delete a user by id.
(new Zammad())->user()->delete(20);
 * Search a user by email. If not found create a new user.
$user = (new Zammad())->user()->searchOrCreateByEmail('[email protected]');
 * Search a user by email. If not found create a new user with custom $data
$data = [
    'firstname' => 'Max',
    'lastname' => 'Mustermann',
    'email' => '[email protected]',

$user = (new Zammad())->user()->searchOrCreateByEmail('[email protected]', $data);

🎫 Ticket Resource

use CodebarAg\Zammad\Facades\Zammad;
 * Show a list of tickets.
$tickets = Zammad::ticket()->list();
 * Search tickets which include following term.
$term = 'Max Mustermann';
$tickets = Zammad::ticket()->search($term);
 * Show a ticket by id (empty comments).
$ticket = Zammad::ticket()->show(20);
 * Show a ticket by id with comments.
$ticket = Zammad::ticket()->showWithComments(20);
 * Create a new ticket.
$data = [
    'title' => 'The application is not working',
    'group' => 'Inbox',
    'customer_id' => 20,
    // 'customer' => '[email protected]', // or use the customer e-mail address
    'article' => [
        'body' => 'It just crashes if I visit the page',
        'attachments' => [
                'filename' => 'log.txt',
                'data' => 'V2FzdGUgbm8gbW9yZSB0aW1lIGFyZ3Vpbmcgd2hhdCBhIGdvb2QgbWFuIHNob3VsZCBiZSwgYmUgb25l',
                'mime-type' => 'text/plain'

$ticket = (new Zammad())->ticket()->create($data);
 * Delete a ticket by id.
(new Zammad())->user()->delete(20);

πŸ’¬ Comment Resource

use CodebarAg\Zammad\Facades\Zammad;
 * Show comments by ticket id
$comments = Zammad::comment()->showByTicket(20);
 * Show a comment by id.
$comment = Zammad::comment()->show(20);
 * Create a new comment.
$data = [
    'ticket_id' => 42,
    'subject' => 'Login still not working',
    'body' => 'Somehow the login is not working<br>Could you check that?',
    'content_type' => 'text/html',
    'attachments' => [
            'filename' => 'log.txt',
            'data' => 'WW91IGFyZSBhIPCfjoEgZm9yIHRoZSDwn4yN',
            'mime-type' => 'text/plain',

$comment = (new Zammad())->comment()->create($data);
 * Delete a comment by id.
(new Zammad())->comment()->delete(20);

🏠 Object Resource

use CodebarAg\Zammad\Facades\Zammad;
 * Show a list of objects.
$objects = Zammad::object()->list();
 * Create a object
 $data = [
    'title' => 'sample_boolean',
    'object' => 'Ticket',
    'display' => 'Sample Boolean',
    'active' => true,
    'position' => 1500,
    'data_type' => 'select',
    'data_option' => [
        'options' => [
            'key-one' => 'First Key',
            'key-two' => 'Second Key',
            'key-three' => 'Third Key',
        'default' => 'key-one'

$object = Zammad::object()->create($data);
 * Update a object
$object = Zammad::object()->update($id, $data);
 * Show a object by id.
$object = Zammad::object()->show(20);
 * Execute database migrations
(new Zammad())->object()->executeMigrations();

🧷 Attachment Resource

use CodebarAg\Zammad\Facades\Zammad;
 * Download attachment.
$content = Zammad::attachment()->download(
    ticketId: 32,
    commentId: 111,
    attachmentId: 42,

Expanding response payloads

You can use the expand() method to expand the response with additional data.

See documentation on this in the Zammad API Docs.

$ticket = Zammad::ticket()->expand()->show(20);
$user = Zammad::user()->expand()->show(20);
$me = Zammad::user()->expand()->me();

Limit search response payloads

You can use the limit(int $limit = 1) method to expand the response with additional data.

See documentation on this in the Zammad API Docs.

$ticket = Zammad::ticket()->limit(1)->search();
$user = Zammad::user()->limit(1)->search();

Paginate list response payloads

You can use the perPage(int $perPage) and page(int $page) methods to set the page and per page values for the response Alternatively you can use the paginate(int $page, int $perPage): method to set both at once.

See documentation on this in the Zammad API Docs.

$ticket = Zammad::ticket()->perPage(1)->page(1)->list();
$user = Zammad::user()->perPage(1)->page(1)->list();

$ticket = Zammad::ticket()->paginate(1, 1)->list();
$user = Zammad::user()->paginate(1, 1)->list();

πŸ‹οΈ DTO showcase

CodebarAg\Zammad\DTO\User {
  +id: 20                       // int
  +first_name: "Max"            // string
  +last_name: "Mustermann"       // string
  +login: "[email protected]"     // string
  +email: "[email protected]"     // string
  +last_login_at: Carbon\Carbon // Carbon
  +updated_at: Carbon\Carbon    // Carbon
  +created_at: Carbon\Carbon    // Carbon
CodebarAg\Zammad\DTO\Ticket {
  +id: 32                                  // int
  +number: 69032                           // int
  +customer_id: 20                         // int
  +group_id: 3                             // int
  +state_id: 1                             // int
  +subject: "Login is not working"         // string
  +comments_count: 3                       // int
  +updated_at: Carbon\Carbon               // Carbon
  +created_at: Carbon\Carbon               // Carbon
  +comments: Illuminate\Support\Collection // Collection|Comment[]
CodebarAg\Zammad\DTO\Comment {
  +id: 66                                       // int
  +type_id: 10                                  // int
  +ticket_id: 32                                // int
  +sender_id: 2                                 // int
  +sender: "Customer"                           // string
  +subject: "App Subject"                       // string
  +body: "We have fixed your issue! Have a great day<br><span class=\"js-signatureMarker\"></span><blockquote type=\"cite\"><div>It is not working</div></blockquote>"
  +body_without_blockquote: "We have fixed your issue! Have a great day<br>"
  +body_only_blockquote: "<blockquote type=\"cite\"><div>It is not working</div></blockquote>"
  +content_type: "text/plain"                   // string
  +from: "Max Mustermann"                        // string
  +to: null                                     // ?string
  +internal: false                              // boolean
  +created_by_id: 20                            // int
  +updated_by_id: 20                            // int
  +origin_by_id: 4                              // ?int
  +attachments: Illuminate\Support\Collection   // Collection|Attachment[]
  +updated_at: Carbon\Carbon                    // Carbon
  +created_at: Carbon\Carbon                    // Carbon
CodebarAg\Zammad\DTO\Attachment {
  +id: 313              // int
  +size: 30             // int
  +name: "log.txt"      // string
  +type: "text/plain"   // string
CodebarAg\Zammad\DTO\ObjectAttribute {
  +id: 313                      // int
  +name: "sample_object"        // string
  +object_lookup_id: 2          // int
  +display: "Sample Object"     // string
  +data_type: "select"          // string
  +position: 1500               // int
  +data_option: []              // array
  +data_option_new: []          // ?array

πŸ”§ Configuration file

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="zammad-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:


return [

    | Zammad URL
    | This URL is used to properly communicate with the Zammad REST-API for
    | every request that is made. Please make sure to include the scheme
    | and the hostname in it. Otherwise we can't find the destination.

    'url' => env('ZAMMAD_URL'),

    | Zammad Access Token
    | The access token is used to authenticate with the Zammad REST-API. You
    | should make sure to activate the "HTTP Token Authentication" in the
    | configuration. Afterwards generate a token in your settings page.

    'token' => env('ZAMMAD_TOKEN'),

     | HTTP Retry Values
     | If you would like HTTP client to automatically retry the request if a client or server error occurs,
     | you may specify the retry values. The maximum retry value specifies the number of times the request should be attempted,
     | and the retry delay value is the number of milliseconds Laravel should wait between attempts.

    'http_retry_maximum' => env('ZAMMAD_HTTP_RETRY_MAXIMUM', 3),
    'http_retry_delay' => env('ZAMMAD_HTTP_RETRY_DELAY', 1500),

    | Object reference error on delete request
    | Please note that removing data cannot be undone. Zammad will also remove references - thus potentially tickets!
    | Removing data with references in e.g. activity streams is not possible via API - this will be indicated by "error":
    | "Can't delete, object has references." (Status 422). This is not a bug.
    | Consider using Data Privacy via UI for more control instead.

    'object_reference_error_ignore' => env('ZAMMAD_OBJECT_REFERENCE_ERROR_IGNORE', false),
    'objet_reference_error' => env('ZAMMAD_OBJECT_REFERENCE_ERROR', 'Can&#39;t delete, object has references.'),

    | Comment Object HTML Parsing

    'filter_images' => true,
    'filter_tables' => true,
    'filter_signature_marker' => true,
    'filter_signature_marker_value' => '<span class="js-signatureMarker"></span>',
    'filter_data_signature' => true,
    'filter_data_signature_value' => '<div data-signature="true" data-signature-id="1">',

    | Dynamic Ticket Attributes with Casts
    | You should define a list of all your dynamic ticket attributes here to
    | ensure that they are correctly converted into the native types. The
    | only limitation you have is to include following supported types.
    | Supported: "string", "integer", "float", "boolean", "datetime"

    'ticket' => [
        // 'note' => 'string',
    | Ticket States
    | The ticket states are used to determine if a ticket is open, closed,
    | active or inactive. You can use this information to filter tickets
    | by their state. The following states are supported by default.

    'ticket_states' => [
        'open' => [1, 2, 3, 7],
        'closed' => [4],
        'active' => [1, 2, 3, 4, 7],
        'inactive' => [5, 6],


🚧 Testing

Copy your own phpunit.xml-file.

cp phpunit.xml.dist phpunit.xml

Modify environment variables in the phpunit.xml-file:

<env name="ZAMMAD_URL" value=""/>
<env name="ZAMMAD_TOKEN" value="token"/>

Run the tests:


πŸ“ Changelog

Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.

✏️ Contributing

Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

composer test

Code Style


πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.

πŸ™ Credits

🎭 License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.