A Multi-task Learning Framework with Disposable Auxiliary Networks for Early Prediction of Product Success
Consider the scenario in which an investor seeks to iden- tify potential products before they are unveiled to the public. For such a scenario, the investor may pose questions such as “What characteristic better represents a product?” or “What features make a product popular?” Unlike traditional recom- mendation problems, in this case, there is no user feedback for such upcoming products, which makes associated predic- tion extremely challenging. To address this challenging yet common scenario, in this paper, we present a multi-task learn- ing framework that trains the prediction model on information for mature products that have user feedback, and then uses the model to predict the success of upcoming products with- out any user feedback. To achieve this goal, the framework consists of a main task network to extract product features from their descriptions and a novel disposable auxiliary net- work that learns domain-specific words and popular trends from user reviews at the same time. This disposable auxiliary network is beneficial during the training of the main task net- work, and is unused at the inference stage. Empirical results on two real-world datasets demonstrate that this multi-task learning framework not only significantly improves the over- all rating prediction for products but also effectively identifies the top successful products without any user reviews.
- python3.X
- pytorch
- numpy
- gensim
- wikipedia2vec
We provide two dataset, IMDB and filmark.
The dataset of IMDB is used for English and the other one is crawled from filmark for Japanese.
There are two pre-trained word embeddins needed. One is for English and the other is for Japanese.
- English https://mccormickml.com/2016/04/12/googles-pretrained-word2vec-model-in-python/
- Japanese https://wikipedia2vec.github.io/wikipedia2vec/pretrained/
$ cd ./pretrained_embedding
$ bash get_pkl.sh
$ git clone
$ cd ./
$ cd ./code
$ python main.py -h
usage: Training [-h] [--gpu GPU] [--epoch EPOCH] [--batch BATCH]
[--sample_size SAMPLE_SIZE] [--lang LANG] [--task TASK]
[--train TRAIN]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--gpu GPU, -g GPU -1=cpu, 0, 1,...= gpt
--epoch EPOCH, -epoch EPOCH
--batch BATCH, -batch BATCH batch size
--sample_size SAMPLE_SIZE, -sample SAMPLE_SIZE
--lang LANG, -lang LANG en=English, jp=Japanese
--task TASK, -task TASK reg=Regression, rank=Ranking
--train TRAIN, -train TRAIN path of training data