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Deployment on OpenStack

Dimitris Papagiannis edited this page Feb 20, 2024 · 41 revisions


These instructions are a summary of the official CERN docs, here, which will probably be more up-to-date. Make sure you check the official documentation as well.

If you already have a Cloud Infrastructure subscription for your CERN account, skip to Step 3.

1. Enable your Cloud Infrastructure subscription.

Click here and enable the Cloud Infrastructure service:


2. Create an SSH key-pair and upload it to OpenStack


3. Create an OpenStack Virtual Machine





Create the instance: image

4. Wait for the machine to be accessible

It takes some time for the machine to start up and be accessible through ssh.

5. Connect via ssh into the machine.

ssh root@<your-instance-name>

Note: You will need to either be inside CERN network, or to tunnel through

From outside CERN:

ssh -J <cern-username> root@<your-instance-name>

6. Install the required packages.

Copy the package list from here

sudo yum install -y <package list>
sudo yum remove -y python36  # Just to make sure.

7. Create the necessary directories, users and permissions

adduser dqm
sudo mkdir -p /data/srv
sudo chown -R dqm /data/srv
sudo su dqm

8. Start the deployment (dev flavor):

cd ~
tar -xf dqmgui_installation_package.tar.gz -C dqmgui_deployment

# Start the deployment script, it will take some time to finish
bash /home/dqm/dqmgui_deployment/

# Start all the services
/data/srv/current/config/dqmgui/manage -f dev start "I did read documentation"

9. Open ports on the firewall (if not already done):

firewall-cmd --list-all-zones
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8030/tcp # online
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8060/tcp # dev
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8070/tcp # online/dev
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8080/tcp # offline
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8081/tcp # relval

10. Access the DQMGUI

The DQMGUI should now be available at http://<your VM name>

Replace <your VM name> with the name of the Virtual Machine that you created on openstack (e.g. dev-vm).


If you are outside of CERN's network, you will need to tunnel through first.